Dens (D)DensCommon

D-094: Seven Sisters Finery

Owned by Tomboy-Kei

The busy city bustled, cars honking at pedestrians that ran across the street against the lights. Chatter heard everywhere and many sider conversations about someone’s family or significant other rampant and sure to entertain the eavesdroppers that loved that sort of juice details. Curious children were tugging on their parents' hands to go see the stalls in the streets selling sweets or trinkets, after all what sort of child could resist the temptation a colorful balloon held?
Lavishing and sparkling clothes were situated in the clean and pristine windows, on display for many passing people to see and oogle. Mannequins were more than happy to show off the fine garments, the enchanted and usually stationary models moved slightly with their faceless charm they had. Dark colored clothes placed on light colored subjects and light colored clothes against the black figures that had more of that pep in their step. Or about as much pep a non-sentient thing could have.
Past the glass panel doors that sat below the sign that read “Seven Sisters Finery”, the entering area was left open with shelves of outfits displayed for sale. Racks of jewelry behind glass cases that gently spun in mid air with no stands. Glittering in the light shined on them, just begging to be bought. Rows and rows of product were there for those who were enchanted enough to enter.
At the counter a dark skinned female sat, always so polite and friendly to a customer who’d come in even if curious. Usually a pencil in her hand to her book that was scribbling down outfit designs as she waited for customers in her open hours. Her gold eyes with white pupils held that devious intent anyone could recognize, but with a face that charming how could she have that sly look to her face.
Today though, the shop was empty. The madam, Maristela, was situated at the counter with her legs crossed as she hummed and sketched up a new dress and accessories. Even if this was to be abandoned and a new idea was created, she did like to have many choices to pick from when it came time to sit down and unwind with sewing and decorating.
“Stela, is it lunch time?” The multicolored purple fox asked, his fur beautiful and soft from daily brushings when both woke in the morning. Looking up from her book, she glanced to the clock on the wall and thought it over, nodding as she stretched out her long and shapely legs.
“Yeah, it’s about lunch time. Go flip the sign for me, Darling.” Lapping out his tongue, Astra pranced right over to the door, his paws resting on the glass as he turned the sign over that said they were closed for lunch. It wouldn’t take long at all, as Stela tended to just heat up some food. But it was still tasty to him!
Following the female to the back area that had a small kitchen-like area, she ignored that completely to grab a stepstool, setting it up to reach up to a cord that looked as if decoration. Giving it a tug the hatch opened and a set of stairs unfolded for the pair to head up.
Upstairs in the hidden area was a haven for the pair that lived there. A large bed with a canopy top left the bedroom area feeling both elegant and alluring. The dark colored fabric semi see through and covered in something that caught the light and sparkled. They were not there for bed though, so past that both went to a decent looking kitchen. Fit with a stove, oven, microwave, and a kettle that was mostly used to make tea for Stela.
“What are we having today?” Astra asked excitedly, using the stairs at the end of the counter to climb on and sniff at a container that Stela was bringing out.
“Just some shredded pork over rice with naan, something a local brought to me.” She told her dragon cheerily, taking out of the white styrofoam containers to heat it up.
“Yum!” Settling himself on the counter, the dragon was ready for lunch. But then gain, he was always ready for food.