D-111: Jungle Thicket
Theme: Jungle Thicket
Flicking the taunt string, Folkren smiled at the short musical vibration of his new home. For the most part he hadn’t had anything solidly established, but since his dragons weren’t always with him, he decided to settle in somewhere. Sort of like a home base for them to meet up in if anything. As much as he traveled with the caravans, it’d be difficult to spend every night here much to their dismay. Though he’d do what he could for the small rambunctious reptiles.
Checking the other side with a quick flick of the finger, the vine net made another twang. Since he preferred building the leafy hammock high up in the trees as close to the night sky as he could, Folkren set up a last defense net of vines half way down in case anyone came all the way into the jungle just to give him a good morning spook like the first time they met. Of course, he had someone specific in mind that he was still fond of despite their sudden whims, but that was part of the appeal of his husband of a darker kind of justice.
“Kri?” A quiet voice questioned above him. The white jungle hybrid that was just barely unable to be ridden. “Now Mirel, you know better than to peep into thoughts,” finger wagging as the white dragon crawled down the tree to make themselves comfortable in the net, Folkren’s scolding didn’t last long as he stroked the top of their head. “I was just guessing cause you felt funny~” even his dragons seemed to be teasing him nowadays! Shaking his head, the elf pulled a few more vines down to start securing another section. “Since your not busy, why don’t you start on the canopy?” Getting wiggles from the happy dragon in the net, it was hard not to give in and pet them again. This seemed to be just what they wanted however, making Folkren flinch with a small love bite as jungles were prone to do before up Mirel went to work on tying the large jungle leaves over their new home.