Profile ED-1124: Kuraokami

Owned by Returu

Open for RP - Friends/Acquaintances


Name: Kuraokami

Nickname: Kuro

Age: Adult

Gender: Male (He/him(

->  Orientation: Straight

Size: Medium


Though Kuro hatched during the Festival of the Night, so many seasons ago, the serpent struggled to find a rider he could truly bond with and was 'passed' around from rider to rider, none of whom really cared for him. As time passed, he grew more and more withdrawn, 'running' from whichever rider he was currently with; eventually he simply gave up, curling into a ball of despair. Meiron found him like this, and though the cat had well over a dozen dragons he was currently bonded with, he felt a kinship with the ice wyrm and Kuro felt the same.

Though now safely nestled in the cenote, Kuro is not a dragon many see, quiet and introverted, he spends most of his time in the calm pool of the cats den; and when strangers come he'll dive to the bottom to hide; his mind, is constantly active, spinning ideas and concepts, and he'll quite often 'bounce' these of Meiron, or any of the other with thunder heritage. One of the few dragons he is completely relaxed with is Hearth, another dragon that hatched too early, and quite often if Meiron isn't there, the two can be found dozing in the sands next to the pool. Much like his nextmate, Kuro is actually failry content be around any dragon bonded with Meiron, though he wouldn't exactly call them friends. 
His conenction with Enderia when they met back was immediate and both overwhelming and enthrilling at the same time;  and he soon got Meiron to bargain with Meeth for him to come and go from the fort; eventually,  with Eira and Yuki's assistance he and Enderia became pair bonded.... and much later their riders also formed a bond.


Element Ranking Up: OCEAN
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