Profile ED-1150: Leshen

Owned by Zincwolf

Sex: Male
Element: Earth/Dark
Physical Traits: Monstrous Snout, Thorned Crest, Monstrous Body, Smooth Scales, Wingless, Fingered Limbs, Whip Tail
Display Traits: Mist, Pangare, Panda
Modifier Traits: True Sight, Debris, Bumble, Transparent Skin
Mutations: N/A
Recessive Genes: N/A

Origin: Mystery of the Wilds 2019

Name: Leshen
Nickname: Lesh, Litch, Creature, Child stealer (to some naki)
Size: Medium. Bigger then Grimsby but smaller then Rivia. Accurate size-to-riderHERE

Diet: Omnivorous but leans heavily to meat on bad days, and heavily to boarderline veganism on good ones
Age: Adult

Can fly?:  No
Ridable?:  Technically yes, but only if its an emergency. No otherwise
Gets on best with: Monti, Aiko
Is unsure about: Most of everyone else
Deathly afriad of: Rivia
Leshen is a very unfortunate dragon indeed. Some would call him a wretched creature, even. For an unknown number of years, he was trapped inside a body he could no longer control, but was aware of. A cursed body that hungered for death and destruction. It was only after a chance encounter with Rivia and Malakai after they'd seen the missing posters, subsequently killing him and breaking the curse that enfolded his very being. He was able to free himself and come back again in his original body - but his mind never did quite make it back.

Years of being made to watch  the unspeakable evil that cursed flesh commited has left Leshen mentally broken, having stepped too far over the thin dividing line of sanity and insanity to make it back in one piece. While he has his sense of self back, he's prone to episodes of murderous aggression, only this time its aimed at everything and anything around him - These episodes laps in and out like siezures and tend to get triggered by outside stressors that make him too stressed out or scared. Malakai keeps him in check as best he can, but its only a matter of time before he escapes and goes on a rampage. Only a good smack across the head can pull him back from it so far, which is where Rivia comes into play with her very useful club tail. 

Malakai himself isn't scared of him. The body he returned with is weak and feeble, having forgotten nearly everything about himself and the time before he was cursed. He feels bad for him, and has made it his goal to fix this dragon, make him trust and deal with his issues better, like he fixed and helped Rivia and Grimsby before him. Leshen seems to want to try as well, but will his years of torment eventually catch up to him, and then overwhelm him? Only time will tell. This will be Malakai's biggest and most dangerous challenge yet, and he plans to give it his all. 

Leshen himself is a very aloof, very secretive dragon with very little value for life, even his own sometimes. He isn't afraid to kill or be killed, and he often steals from others. He has a tendency to mumble to himself a lot of the time, or just stay deathly silent and listen. When he's calm, some of his old self does show through a little more, showing the intelligent and eccentric dragon he used to be. Malakai loves those moments, and when they happen more and more without a Ground Zero incident (a rampage), he feels a surge of pride.

Monti has replaced Rivia over time as his main caretaker, able to talk him out of his depressive episodes and catch him on his rampages faster and safer then Rivia ever could. Leshen and him formed a close bond as a result. Monti see's a little of himself in Leshen, a villan turned to neutrality and good. He stayed guard at his rune carved pen that kept him prisoner from himself and his rampages for many years, protecting him from Rivia's attempts to kill him before he fully bonded with Malakai. He trusts him. Maybe even loves him
12 August 2021, 07:18:05 UTC

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Previous EXP: 164

Activity: Magic - Tier I - Dark
Art EXP: 13
Linework or Sketch: 1
Color: 2
Shading: 1
Standard Background: 2
Personal Art: 1
Terrain: 1
Dragon Rider: 3
Master Trainer: 2

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"Art Link:
Activity: Misc Art
Total EXP: 79
Wordcount: 52
Personal Art: 1
Partner: 2
Rider: 3
Collab: 2
Terrain: 1
Storyteller: 18"

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