ED-1309: Maggie
Owned by Zincwolf
Name: Maggie
Nickname: Mags
Size: Medium. Third smallest dragon in Malakai's care. Accurate size-to-rider HERE
Diet: Obligate Herbivore
Age: Adult-Elder
Can fly?: Yes, but tends to hover more then fly unless she wants to get higher vantage points
Ridable?: No. Not tangible enough.
Gets on best with: Tima, Aiko, Scamp, Rivia
Dislikes but Tolerates: Grimsby
Dislikes but Tolerates: Grimsby
Maggie is a grandmotherly figure in the lives of the dragons in Malakai's care, but she isn't fully connected to her rider yet either, their bond taking time. She is staying here for now and testing the waters, considering if she wants to be connected to the others for the rest of her life or not.
She loves younger creatures, and often times makes little animals made of light to play with them. She is a pacifist, and sometimes even allows her little creatures to dance their way into Leshen's dark cave to keep him company with Monti on the outside of the rune barrier. Its a calming presence for a lot of them, and helps balance out the desperate sadness that eminates from that dragon in particular, giving Malakai's nerves a break.
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