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Elemental Dragons Masterlist
ED-277: Baal
Elemental Dragon (ED)
Elemental Dragon
Level 3
ED-277: Baal
Owned by
ED-1006: Eos
ED-1017: Hexagon
ED-1316: Phantom
ED-994: Kukri
ED-1306: Suijin
ED-951: Niro | Ocean/Wind | 2
ED-946: Valoroso
ED-949: 630 x 264 | Thunder/Dark | 3
ED-1250: Yeen
ED-928: Elydia
ED-925: Nova
ED-1330: Lilith
ED-1331: Fenrir
ED-1307: Goddess of Gods
ED-1303: Pasithea
ED-1283: Delilah
ED-1291: Ugle
ED-1354: Wraith
ED-968: Tempest
ED-860: Yakitori
ED-856: Himalaya
ED-849: Basalt
ED-824: Clare
ED-817: Apollyon
ED-783: Spirit
ED-769: Meek
ED-709: Ashera
1247 x 1263 | Light | 5
1247 x 1263 | Dark | 4
1247 x 1263 | Dark/Light | 3
1247 x 1263 | Dark | 2
1247 x 1263 | Dark | 1
1247 x 1263 | Light | 6
1247 x 1263 | Dark | 5
1247 x 1263 | Light | 4
1247 x 1263 | Dark | 3
1247 x 1263 | Dark/Light | 2
1247 x 1263 | Dark/Light | 1
1021 x 1278 | Wind | 5
1021 x 1278 | Wind/Jungle | 4
1021 x 1278 | Dark | 3
1021 x 1278 | Wind/Jungle | 2
1021 x 1278 | Jungle | 1
1089 x 1079 | Light | 4
1089 x 1079 | Storm/Light | 3
1089 x 1079 | Storm/Light | 2
1089 x 1079 | Storm | 1
1247 x 286 | Dark | 4
1247 x 286 | Dark | 3
1247 x 286 | Dark | 2
1247 x 286 | Dark | 1
1247 x 1165 | Dark | 5
1247 x 1165 | Wind | 4
1247 x 1165 | Dark | 3
1247 x 1165 | Metal | 2
1247 x 1165 | Dark/Metal | 1
771 X 1038 | Dark | 3
771 X 1038 | Thunder | 2
771 X 1038 | Dark | 1
772 x 682 | Dark
630 x E15 | Light/Wind | 5
630 x E15 | Dark | 1
630 x 648 | Light/Dark | 1
771 x 951 | Dark/Wind | 3
771 x 951 | Dark/Ocean | 2
771 x 951 | Dark/Wind | 1
771 x 951 | Dark/Wind | 3
771 x 951 | Dark/Ocean | 1
771 x 951 | Dark/Ocean | 3
771 x 951 | Dark/Ocean | 2
771 x 951 | Dark/Ocean | 1
771 x 951 | Dark/Ocean | 3
771 x 951 | Dark/Ocean | 2
771 x 951 | Dark/Wind | 1
771 x 951 | Dark/Wind | 4
771 x 951 | Dark/Ocean | 3
771 x 951 | Dark/Wind | 2
771 x 951 | Dark/Wind | 1
771 x 951 | Dark/Wind | 5
771 x 951 | Dark/Wind | 4
771 x 951 | Dark/Wind | 3
771 x 951 | Dark/Ocean | 2
771 x 951 | Dark/Wind | 1
771 x 951 | Dark/Wind | 5
771 x 951 | Dark/Wind | 4
771 x 951 | Dark/Ocean | 3
771 x 951 | Dark/Ocean | 2
771 x 951 | Dark/Wind | 1
771 x 951
771 x 951 | Dark/Wind | 4
771 x 951 | Dark/Wind | 3
771 x 951 | Dark/Wind | 2
772 x 951 | Dark/Wind | 1
771 x 951 | Dark/Ocean | 5
771 x 951 | Dark/Ocean | 3
771 x 951 | Dark/Ocean | 2
771 x 951 | Dark/Wind | 1
288 x 879 | Ocean/Wind | 3
288 x 879 | Ocean/Dark | 2
288 x 879 | Ocean/Dark | 1
288 x 879 | Ocean/Dark | 3
288 x 879 | Ocean/Wind | 2
288 x 879 | Ocean/Wind | 1
288 x 879 | Ocean/Dark | 3
288 x 879 | Ocean/Wind | 1
630 x 264 | Dark/Thunder | 4
630 x 264 | Thunder/Dark | 3
630 x 264 | Light/Dark | 2
630 x 264 | Light/Thunder | 1
630 x 264 | Light/Dark | 4
630 x 264 | Light/Dark | 2
630 x 264 | Dark/Thunder | 1
771 x 544 | Dark/Night
Zelos x Kiwi | Dark/Storm | 4
Zelos x Kiwi | Dark/Earth | 3
Zelos x Kiwi | Dark/Storm | 4
Zelos x Kiwi | Storm | 3
Zelos x Kiwi | Dark | 2
Zelos x Kiwi | Wind/Earth | 1
Zelos x Kiwi | Wind/Earth | 4
Zelos x Kiwi | Wind | 3
Zelos x Kiwi | Earth | 2
Mercy x Rimla | Wind/Dark | 2
Rimla x Korse | Earth/Dark | 3
Zelos x Kiwi | Wind | 4
Zelos x Kiwi | Earth | 2
Zelos x Kiwi | Earth | 1
Zelos x Kiwi | Wind/Earth | 4
Zelos x Kiwi | Dark/Storm | 2
Zelos x Kiwi
Zelos x Kiwi | Wind/Earth | 1
Hatchery Egg | Jungle/Dark
Kolkhis x Blizzard | Dark | 4
Kolkhis x Blizzard | Storm | 3
Wraith x Toekie | Dark | 4
Wraith x Toekie | Dark/Wind | 3
Wraith x Toekie | Dark | 2
Wraith x Toekie | Wind | 1
Wraith x Toekie | Metal | 4
Wraith x Toekie | Metal | 3
Wraith x Toekie | Metal/Wind | 2
Wraith x Toekie | Dark | 1
Wraith x Toekie | Metal/Wind | 4
Wraith x Toekie | Dark | 3
Wraith x Toekie | Dark | 2
Wraith x Toekie | Dark/Wind | 1
Cardinal x Morta | Wind | 4
Cardinal x Morta | Earth/Dark | 3
Cardinal x Morta | Dark | 2
Cardinal x Morta | Earth/Dark | 1
Yucca x Morta | Thunder | 3
Yucca x Morta | Dark | 1
Darkness x Vina | Dark/Earth | 2
Basil x Rimla | Wind/Dark | 3
Darkness x Vina | Dark/Earth | 3
Hatchery Egg | Dark/Wind
Ashera x Rimla | Storm/Wind | Dark | 5
Ashera x Rimla | Wind | 3
Ashera x Rimla | Storm/Dark | 2
Basil x Rimla | Jungle/Wind | 4
Basil x Rimla | Wind | 3
Basil x Rimla | Dark/Wind | 2
Basil x Rimla | Dark | 1
Basil x Rimla | Jungle/Dark | 1