ED-284: Egg

Sex: Male
Element: Ocean
Physical Traits: Reptilian Snout, Finned Crest, Bipedal Body, Smooth Scales, Wingless, Reptilian Limbs, Whip tail
Display Traits: Sable, Hailstorm, Brindle
Modifier Traits: Pelvic Spines, Capricorn
Mutations: N/A
Recessive Genes: N/A
Origin: #3
Name: Egg
Nickname: Scrambled eggs, Eggo, Bubs
Egg is, as compared to his brothers, not the sharpest tool in the shed but he is intelligent much to popular disbelief. He can speak in semi-complete sentences like his brother Shell but has a tendency to get distracted very easily which is what gives him the honor of being the least intelligent brother. Another factor of being the least intelligent brother is do to Speedy and Sobek's amazing parenting. Speedy made the mistake of leaving Bek to watch the eggs for about five minutes and when she came back Egg was at the bottom of a short hill/cliff with his egg cracked and his front legs poking out of the shell, attempted to break himself out of his premature shell and that's how he received his name, a big struggling egg with legs.
He’s currently the largest out of his siblings, the first three born to Speedy and Bek, which is both impressive and terrifying if you think about it. A dragon the size of Bek, with basically the intelligence of Speedy but can speak more than two words at a time? Problematic and complicated.
He’s not as food driven as his brother Shell but he will scrap with his brother over food, even if there is clearly enough for both of them. Him and his brother have a high record for scaring the absolute crap out of there smallest brother Bambi as well as Levi with their fighting and arguing.
Size: Colossal
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2021-10-14 10:04:35
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