ED-286: Gremlin

Sex: Female
Element: Ocean
Physical Traits: Monstrous Snout, No Crest, Wyrm Body, Smooth Scales, Wingless, Reptilian Limbs, Aquatic Tail
Display Traits: Chameleon, Pangare, Tobiano, Stitched, Wisp, Ripple
Modifier Traits: True Sight
Mutations: N/A
Recessive Genes: Independent, Albinism, Antennae, Underbelly, Sparks, Panda
Origin: #1
Name: Gremlin
Nickname: Gremmy, Grem
Gremlin is the definition of everything in a dragon you don't want. She's brash and uncaring,
obnoxious and unfiltered; she’ll fight on one side and then immediately turn on her fighting
companion just because she can. Trusting this dragon is the same as trusting a tornado, you
don’t trust tornados, they just go where they please and destroy whatever happens to be in
its way or around it.
Imagine Gremlin like a wild nuke flying around looking for something to land on and when it
finds that something, BOOM, everything in her immediate range is in danger and that’s a big
range, so best to either prepare yourself or get the hell outta there.
It’s unclear why Gremlin chose to be Levi’s dragon, perhaps it’s because she knows he can’t
control her or maybe she enjoys toying with the little vernid like Nebula often does. Unfortunately
for Levi her shenanigans often get him in trouble, after all she is his dragon but that’s quite debatable.
She rarely listen but when she does you still don’t have full control of her actions, if she decides
to detour for 5 days, you’re detouring for 5 days.
Gremlin can often be food driven but she has no shortage in food and knows where she can
get it if she so desires, majority of her teasing and abusive tendencies are mostly play and
jokes, in her mind at least, in the mind of others its trouble and dangerous seeing as this
giant wiggly flying terror believes grabbing a smaller flightless dragon and dropping them
from great heights to ‘if they fly’ is her idea of playing. The worst part however is probably
the fact that if they can’t fly(which majority can’t) she’ll catch them and do it all over again,
now knowing they can’t fly. She’s a menace who cares more about her own fun and self-
interest then the safety of others.
Size: Colossal/could probably swallow a house whole, who knows
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ccbestiary Staff Member
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2021-10-14 10:19:37
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