ED-45: Patchwork - Cookiewing
Owned by ccbestiary
Name: Patchwork
Nickname: Eyesore, Mashup, etc (anything related to her unique composition and/or personality)
Personality: Much like her appearance, Patchwork's personality is quite a curious mix of traits. While her usual behaviour seems instinct-driven and almost feral, mostly due to her stubborn determination and frightening lack of regret when it comes to getting what she wants, she's shown to be a very clever and social dragoness. Those who interact with her must work with caution, though: being an Earth dragon, and even one equipped with sharp claws and hard, artificial body parts, she doesn't always know how to regulate her own strength... leading to some rather painful incidents. Still, she doesn't discriminate between the kind of companionship she can get and gets along quite well with anyone - as long as they can handle her.