ED-594: Sparta
Owned by MilkRat
Name: Sparta
Personality: Sparta may look cute and cuddly but on the inside he's a raging bowl
of seething hatred. He hates the fact he was born to look cute even though he isn't
small. Given the opportunity he’d fight anyone and anything that dare call him cute
or pick on him. He doesn’t play games either, his hind legs can deliver a nasty kick,
so beware.
Size: Medium/The size of a draft horse in a ponies body, poor thing
of seething hatred. He hates the fact he was born to look cute even though he isn't
small. Given the opportunity he’d fight anyone and anything that dare call him cute
or pick on him. He doesn’t play games either, his hind legs can deliver a nasty kick,
so beware.
Size: Medium/The size of a draft horse in a ponies body, poor thing
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