ED-786: Nemi
Open for RP - Friends/Acquaintances
Name: Nemi
Nickname: Milkshake
Gender: Female (she/Her)
-> Orientation: Unknown
Size: Small
Nemi (alongside Storm) make up part of Meiorn's 'microraptor pack', been much smaller than Baira and Dazzle; but they are just as dangerous.; you just don't see them coming usually. While Storm may overenthusiastic, Nemi is a lot calmer, thinking things through a lot more than her packmate, this calmness affecting Storm in a positive way, and bringing hsi energy into tolerable levels. Her small swallow friend is wary of Storm, or more accurately, Storms 'electric' traits, and is a good way of telling the other dragons emotional state, as the bird will only be around if Storm is calm. Nemi is untrusting of strangers and will hiss and snarl at them if they get to close.
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Gift writing is allowed