Profile ED-970: Artemisia

Owned by Returu

Open for RP - Friends/Acquaintances


Name: Artemisia

Nickname: Arti


Gender: Female

->  Orientation:  Unknown

Size:  Tiny


With her half sibling Hellaborus, Artemisia used her earth and fire hertage to zeolously guard their riders den from unworthy intruders. Thier diminutive size means many underestimate them, which the par use to their advantage. With Kuri and Luna though, they are exceptionally playful... and have even started their own personal hoards. Artemisia is the more docile of the two, and will rarely act unless Hellaborus does. Neither of the siblngs speak. Has no qualms about hunting rabbits (though she doesn't do it around her rider or Kuri.) Adores purple flowers.

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