R-058: Marikh arDeshir Lochesh

Owned by Dragonpud
Name: Marikh arDeshir Lochesh
Nickname: n/a
Marikh is a self-styled peacock. He is extremely vain and dramatic and takes excessive care of himself, enjoying every minute he can pamper himself. Due to his race's native hair condition, he must take extreme care of it lest it become brittle, dry and he lose it entirely - which would be tragic. He doesn't necessarily consider himself attractive, but he sure enjoys clothes, much to the annoyance of his two mates. At least Garth has an understanding of clothes, but not the passion Marikh does. The lith was raised on a planet of manipulative, ambitious, cut-throat people and only the saving grace of his mate Tsillah, changed that. Despite his insufferable temperament, the man is quickwitted, kind, humorous and caring towards others. He has a dry sense of humor that is often a bit dark, but he's also steadied by the eternal optimist that is Garth. Marikh is a portal master and excels at manipulating magic to get the desired result. He has little patience to teach, however and has been known to snap at others when he's in a mood. Extremely bright and knowledgeable, he can become easily bored and argumentative when things don't go his way - or smoothly. Be ware the beast that lurks within his mind, though Marikh has long since learned to keep a tap on his emotions.