R-109: Adrienne

Owned by ccbestiary
Name: Adrienne
Nickname: Dri, "Cap'n" or "Mate" or other random nautical terms/slang words (given by Cepheus), etc
+||Compassionate | Empathetic | Dedicated | Survivalist||+
o||Emotional | Brooding | Daydreamer | Defensive||o
-||Distant | Anxious | Easily Startled | Frail||-

Phinae are made, not born: former members of other species that lose their lives to the sea. Adrienne used to be human, too, but a bullet to her skull and a plunge in the icy depths stole her old life away. When she woke up, surrounded by darkness, the pressure that should've squeezed her body beyond recognition no more than a gentle embrace, her memory was lost. Only her name and clothes remained - and the bullethole near her left ear, a single, cruel reminder of what her fate had been. 
Her first instinct was to leave the water immediately. A reminescent of her previous nature, most likely, that was harder to follow than it should've been, as something seemed to pull her the other way.
When she eventually did reach the shore, she could hardly run a mile before the ocean demanded her return.
Other Phinae found her, panicking and lost, and welcomed her as one of them. Knowing what had happened eased her mind just enough to allow her to think again, but she still felt unease at the prospect of forever living underwater, burdened with the knowledge that she must've had a completely, entirely different life before. Despite the others' invitations to come live among them, she decided to spend as much time as she could on the surface - only returning to the sea whenever the air makes her skin crawl.