R-127: Reynardine
Owned by ccbestiary
Name: Reynardine
Nickname: Reyn, Skinthief
Relentless and driven, Reyn is a razor-blade looking for a whetstone. Orphaned at a young age by the Abrendese, she is fueled by hatred and lacking the soft edges of civilization. She is unaware of what her father may have been, but she knows it is his fault she can't easily shift into the form of another animal like her mother. She does, however, have a selkie-like ability to wear a skin and make it her own. This ability is viewed with great superstition in the communities where she might once have been welcomed as bloodkin, so she is most often found in solitude or in the company of animals. Completely lacking social graces, she has nevertheless learned to survive on her own and is independent almost to the point of foolishness. Reckless, headstrong, and utterly incapable of accepting defeat. A thief who views her work as revenge against those who have wronged her and her people.
current skins: fox (red), magpie
current skins: fox (red), magpie