R-144: Jesika
Playful/Outgoing/Accepting – Impatient/Reckless/Unmindful
Jesika is a playful and energetic woman, her life goal being all about having fun. Her fun can range from small, safe things to drawing and dancing, to the absolute extreme, like jumping into a volcano. She’s almost fearless when it comes to danger. To her though, a line has been crossed when legitimate fun ends up harming someone not in on it, the most obvious cases being bullying or assault. She’ll have none of that, unless you have your reasoning, and it’d better be good.
She’s the outgoing type, willing to interact with any and every one, she doesn’t discriminate. In fact, she’s probably one of the most accepting people you could meet, and is even encouraging of those who feel more shy or shameful or themselves.
Being such an eager individual however, she can be impatient and even reckless at times, which can cause a lot of problems she tries to fight against, and cause her to be unmindful. Deep down, behind her happy and confident face, lies a person filled with insecurities, most regarding her stupidity and weakness. Sometimes she just feels like she’s not very useful, but hides this fact for the sakes of others.