Profile R-155: Lonán

Owned by foxdog2

Name: Lonán
: Lo, lonny, lon etc

Lonán grew up being a rather rowdy and naive but intelligent fellow.  He always loves to get into trouble just for the thrill of it. Perhaps  being something of an adrenaline junkie and certainly fearless in the face of danger. He trained from a young age to be a swordsman and over time gained a sense of courageousness but struggles to follow orders. Somewhat self-deprecating has bouts of Depression that only worsen this.
Always wanting to help others despite how they might treat him. Hes a bit of an outsider when it comes to dealing with other people and can be somewhat moody or temperamental when his buttons are pushed. Something that happens quite often  considering his rough-around-the-edges personality. Lonán tries to be  just but more often then not his fiery moods tend to have him wanting vengeance for the misdeeds of others. What motivates him to seek justice is sometimes shady.

27 July 2021, 01:21:10 UTC

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STR 15 | DEF 5 | INT 15 | WILL 5 | DEX 10

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2024-06-24 12:11:52 (Edited 2024-06-24 12:13:11)

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