R-165: Akriel + Ithuriel
Open for RP - Friends/Acquaintances
Name: Akriel + Ithuriel
Nickname: Akky + It
Species: Primarily human.... and a demon
Gender: Male (He/Him)
-> Orientation: Unknown
Akriel has always been eccentric.. a bit of an oddball and a knowledge seeker, the fact he fused himself with an demonic lifeform as soon as he could read (okay it was an accident) while trying to read one of his 'teachers' books has is something he takes great joy in.... and has not stopped him learning as much as possible. Highly intelligent and very imaginative he's always playing with magic or technology... quite often with the wrong results.. but hey, you learn more from your mistakes. Talkative, even if it is only to the tail (aka It), Akriel will often defer to those who know more.... at least until he can practice whatever it is they are more knowledgeble about. Akriel was born with a serious condition on his arm, which eventually led it to been amputated, the metal construct around it is his own design, and is powered by small energy crystals from his home world.
Ithuriel is his own entity for the most part, and delights in been a complete terror to anyone who doesn;t know about him; he's also one half of the brains of the outfit.... leading to some interesting brainstorming sessions.
Akriel is a drown skinned humanoid who stands at around 6'6" foot tall with blond hair and vibrant blue eyes, though this eye color is not inherited and is a by product of his work with certains powerd sources on his home world. Usually wears black pants and a dark colored top... to better hide the stains from his experiments with magic and science. His left arm is artifically created after he lost his own due to aa chronic condition on his arm which had to be amputeded: the arm now is a stiking gold patterned ivory leading into 'claws' and powered by the vibrant blue power stones. The cape and larger magic stone are worn when he's out and about, in the lab they are hidden away from Jupiters taste for 'gemstones'.
Ithuriel is a demonic entitiy that fused with Akriel, the two have long since come to co-exist. What Ithuriel's real form once was only he knows; his appearance now is a strange tail like creature.. He has no teeth, but his bite is actually very painful..
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