R-221: Calluna
Open for RP - Friends/Acquaintances
Name: Calluna
Nickname: Luna
Species: Lupanari
Age: Adult
Gender: Female
-> Orientation: Straight
As with many of her species, Calluna has a deep ‘earth sense’, able to sense areas of the land that need to rest/heal; in the same sense she is ‘accepting’ of life and death and the natural cycle of all living things, some creatures are prey, others the hunters. That doesn’t mean she forgets a death, rather she she cares for their memories in her heart; that care is something she nourishes, and to care for others is as much a gift as to be cared for. Loyal and honorable, she will not betray a friend, and though it may take some time, she always honours her promises. Luna doesn’t always think things through, reacting to certain situations by instinct alone, this ‘recklessness’, can and does lead to some rather… dicey situations.
She has a small ring around her left ear, a gift from Illia, a translator, which permits her to speak with others living on the world; she has not forgotten her promise to the women, but neither will she give its location up until she is sure on the other party.
Despite her rabbit like appearance, Calluna is not a rabbit, in fact her species shares more characteristics with marsupials than rabbits, that doesn't mean she doesnt look lke a really bit one, even she admits it (once she knew what a rabbit was) She average for a female of her species , and while her brown fur and silver ruff are common, her black stripes and white dots are a bit more unusual more so for their direction on her fur than coloration.
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