R-234: Kano

Owned by Doom

Name: Kano
Nickname: N/A yet

A semi-amnesiac softy with a massive sense of duty and a perpetual aura of mournfulness, Kano became a Phinae under circumstances he refuses to mention. He’s honestly nearly mute by choice. However, despite his lack of talkativeness, he will always jump to the rescue of anyone nearby, and his empathy and compassion outweigh nearly anything else.

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2021-08-15 02:35:28

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2021-08-15 02:35:21

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ccbestiary Staff Member

STR 10 | DEF 15 | INT 10 | WILL 15 | DEX 0

2021-08-15 02:35:46

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ccbestiary Staff Member

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2021-08-15 02:35:14

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