R-25: Eldarwyn

Owned by Dragonpud
Name: Eldarwyn
Nickname: Dari

Dari has always been a lone wolf, though not through any choice of her own. Orphaned when she was barely an adult, her parents were slaughtered in front of her for no reason she could tell. Running for her life nearly got her killed due to her lack of survival skills in, well, anything. Only much later, did she find out why her dragon parents were killed out of hand - her species was a disease on the universe. Raschari hunters constantly culled the population and weeded out hidden shattra in an attempt at genocide. Her parents had simply been in the way.

As a result, the dragoness does not truly trust anyone anymore and tends to keep to herself. She wishes things were different, but it is what it is. Her survival skills have improved, luckily, but are not perfect by any means. Frankly, she's surprised she's lived this long and tends to be a pessimist. Despite this, Dari loves to sit quietly and admire nature when she can, or watch animals and people go about their daily lives, often imagining herself in their shoes.

  • Emotional
  • Sensitive
  • Artistic
  • Daydreamer/Dreamer
  • Empathetic
  • Depressed
  • Easily Startled
  • Anti-social (somewhat)