Arctic Fox with Fully Fed. Crystal Bead used. Breeder III bonus. Elemental Essence used, affecting Sire Wind magic. Courtship Art applied. A cuckoo helped. An opossum helped. Compatible Elements.
Before I can roll this, I need to know which parent the elemental essence is applied to! Just reply here in the next week and I'll roll the breeding for August as usual :3 .
Returu Staff Member X
Sire Owner Approval:
Dam Owner Approval: Mine
Breeding Number: August 3/3 Full
Clutch Pick: Full to me
Courtship Art:
Breeding Items: Crystal bead, Elemental Essence - wind
Breeding Familiars: Cuckoo, arctic fox (fully fed), Opossum
Breeder Job?: yes - Meiron (3)
2022-08-31 08:39:11 (Edited 2022-08-31 08:39:35)
Feature Comment
ccbestiary Staff Member
Parents: X
Arctic Fox with Fully Fed. Crystal Bead used. Breeder III bonus. Elemental Essence used, affecting Sire Wind magic. Courtship Art applied. A cuckoo helped. An opossum helped. Compatible Elements.
1) Sex: Male
Element: Earth/Wind
Physical Traits: Theropod Snout, Feathered Crest, Bipedal Body, Feathered Scales, Feathered Wings, Reptilian Limbs, Whip Tail
Display Traits: Tipped, Brindle, Underbelly, Cap, Skunk, Sooty, Sandstone, Charged Collared
Modifier Traits: Beaked, Extensions, Maned, Frilled
Mutations: N/A
Recessive Genes: N/A
2) Sex: Female
Element: Earth/Wind
Physical Traits: Ungulate Snout, Feathered Crest, Bipedal Body, Feathered Scales, Feathered Wings, Reptilian Limbs, Raptor Tail
Display Traits: Tipped, Underbelly, Charged Collared, Skunk, Cap, Barred, Stamp, Brindle
Modifier Traits: Extensions, Protofeathers, Charged Beaked, Maned, Curled
Mutations: N/A
Recessive Genes: N/A
3) Sex: Female
Element: Wind/Earth
Physical Traits: Ungulate Snout, Feathered Crest, Bipedal Body, Feathered Scales, Feathered Wings, Reptilian Limbs, Whip Tail
Display Traits: Cap, Charged Collared, Tipped, Brindle, Underbelly, Stamp, Sooty
Modifier Traits: Charged Beaked, Protofeathers, Extensions, Neckfrill
Mutations: N/A
Recessive Genes: N/A
4) Sex: Male
Element: Wind/Earth
Physical Traits: Ungulate Snout, Feathered Crest, Bipedal Body, Feathered Scales, Feathered Wings, Reptilian Limbs, Raptor Tail
Display Traits: Tipped, Stamp, Brindle, Cap, Breeze, Skunk, Collared
Modifier Traits: Maned, Beaked, Extensions, Frilled, Protofeathers
Mutations: N/A
Recessive Genes: N/A
2022-09-04 09:03:44
Feature Comment
CertainlyCervine Staff Member
1) Sex: Male
Element: Earth/Wind
Physical Traits: Theropod Snout, Feathered Crest, Bipedal Body, Feathered Scales, Feathered Wings, Reptilian Limbs, Whip Tail
Display Traits: Tipped, Underbelly, Cap, Skunk, Sooty, Sandstone, Charged Collared
Modifier Traits: Beaked, Maned
Mutations: N/A
Recessive Genes: Extensions, Frilled, Brindle
2024-08-30 17:12:16
Feature Comment
ccbestiary Staff Member
Before I can roll this, I need to know which parent the elemental essence is applied to! Just reply here in the next week and I'll roll the breeding for August as usual :3 .
2022-09-04 05:35:27
Feature Comment
Returu Staff Member
It’ll be on flitter, my apologies
2022-09-04 07:15:01
Feature Comment