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ccbestiary Avatar
ccbestiary Staff Member

Welcome to the group! Feel free to ask any questions you have on the discord (linked in the header) if you can't find them answered on the site :) .

Your Legendary egg rumbles and cracks to reveal...
Sex: Female
Element: Ocean/Dark
Physical Traits: Monstrous Snout, No Crest, Monstrous Body, Smooth Scales, Leather Wings, Fingered Limbs, Whip Tail
Display Traits: Charged Blanket, Origin, Stamp, Striped
Modifier Traits: Gilled, Many-finned, Radiance, Tattered, Wither
Mutations: N/A
Recessive Genes: N/A

P1: Hephaestus
G3: Falada
Please take good care of this dragon~

2024-01-11 12:13:32 (Edited 2024-01-11 12:16:58)