Comments on Expeditions 2024

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cosmonstars Avatar

Chronocompass ID #: Received rewards for claim (#2258)
Keywords: (none, advent compass)
Familiars: x
Event?: choosing this character

2024-04-15 01:01:16 (Edited 2024-04-15 01:01:29)

ccbestiary Avatar
ccbestiary Staff Member

During their journey, R-157 Prospero discovers some leads!

E38 Looking for a Fight During your character's journey, they encounter someone on the road. They refuse to let your character pass until they give them some sort of money or treasure. If your character refuses, they will be turned away, and if your character persists, the stranger threatens to beat them to a pulp. Depict how your character handles them.

E324 Just One Small Problem Your character finds a small dragon crying in the road. They say that they were on their way to Leounas when they lost their Rider. Depict your character interacting with the dragon. They may ignore it, search for the Rider, care for it until the Rider returns, or whatever else they would do. The little dragon must be depicted.

S1 Continuing the Tale Your character is trapped in a snowstorm and it's getting darker by the second. Just when they think it can't get any darker, two black dots peer at them from the snow. Could they be stones, or maybe some sort of shelter? As your character gets closer, they realize these are not some distant boulders, but a very close set of eyes! A dragon steps forward, growling and stepping forward to attack! Depict your character interacting with this dragon. Do they dare try to tame it?

2024-04-15 02:19:55 (Edited 2024-04-15 02:23:19)

cosmonstars Avatar

Art Link:
Expedition ID: E324
Keywords: storyteller, partner dragon
Items: Black Opal
Familiars: x

2024-04-21 18:40:50

ccbestiary Avatar
ccbestiary Staff Member

Despite the danger of S1, Prospero makes it through unharmed.
Prospero successfully guides them back to Leounus. Along the way, they pick up some interesting things!

X3 Earth Caving Loot
X3 Wind Hunting Loot

Turn this art in through Prompts to obtain your exp and prizes.

2024-04-21 18:50:23

ccbestiary Avatar
ccbestiary Staff Member


2024-04-28 20:55:34