Comments on Expeditions 2024

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During their journey, R-224 Mercury discovers some leads!

E35 A Handful Your character comes across a large structure with some sort of clock embedded in its surface. There are five hands whirring around its face--some going the wrong direction--and the symbols on the clock and shrine itself are completely foreign to them. Depict your character and the strange structure.

E277 Just One Small Problem While traveling along an old, unused road, your character comes across a large lake with a small island at its center. The island is overgrown with plants, but they can just make out some sort of building. A crumbling stone bridge reaches out towards it, but it is in disrepair and unusable. Depict your character's encounter. Do they try to repair the bridge? Do they try to reach the other side through other means? Or maybe they decide to ignore it altogether. A bridge or island must be depicted.

S1 Continuing the Tale Your character is trapped in a snowstorm and it's getting darker by the second. Just when they think it can't get any darker, two black dots peer at them from the snow. Could they be stones, or maybe some sort of shelter? As your character gets closer, they realize these are not some distant boulders, but a very close set of eyes! A dragon steps forward, growling and stepping forward to attack! Depict your character interacting with this dragon. Do they dare try to tame it?

2024-04-15 02:20:40 (Edited 2024-04-15 02:23:12)