E159 Picnic Time While eating, you notice an ant crawling along. Then more appear, and more... It's a swarm! Where on earth are they coming from?! How do you handle the sudden invaders?
E46 More Than Meets the Eye Someone close to your character has been acting...odd. A little too odd. Depict your character figuring out what has caused their change in personality. Are they feeling down about something? Are they secretly an imposter? Time to find out!
S1 Continuing the Tale Your character is trapped in a snowstorm and it's getting darker by the second. Just when they think it can't get any darker, two black dots peer at them from the snow. Could they be stones, or maybe some sort of shelter? As your character gets closer, they realize these are not some distant boulders, but a very close set of eyes! A dragon steps forward, growling and stepping forward to attack! Depict your character interacting with this dragon. Do they dare try to tame it? https://www.chronocompass.com/files/fots24/polar-bear.png
The dragon swipes at Keshet, and your character finds themselves Confused! Until they are healed, they are unable to participate in challenges, and will bring back items from the wrong location during Adventures. It appears the dragon was unimpressed, despite Keshet's best efforts. They manage to gather some claws and fur before the dragon disappears back into the snow.
X2 Dark Hunting Loot
X1 Storm Hunting Loot
Turn this art in through Prompts to obtain your exp and prizes.
zaxarie Staff Member
Chronocompass ID #: #1879
Keywords: (None, advent compass)
Familiars: N/A
Event?: LET'S GOOO KESHET https://www.chronocompass.com/character/ED-65
2024-04-15 02:37:49 (Edited 2024-04-21 19:00:28)
Unfeature Comment
ccbestiary Staff Member
During their journey, ED-65: Keshet discovers some leads!
E159 Picnic Time While eating, you notice an ant crawling along. Then more appear, and more... It's a swarm! Where on earth are they coming from?! How do you handle the sudden invaders?
E46 More Than Meets the Eye Someone close to your character has been acting...odd. A little too odd. Depict your character figuring out what has caused their change in personality. Are they feeling down about something? Are they secretly an imposter? Time to find out!
S1 Continuing the Tale Your character is trapped in a snowstorm and it's getting darker by the second. Just when they think it can't get any darker, two black dots peer at them from the snow. Could they be stones, or maybe some sort of shelter? As your character gets closer, they realize these are not some distant boulders, but a very close set of eyes! A dragon steps forward, growling and stepping forward to attack! Depict your character interacting with this dragon. Do they dare try to tame it?
2024-04-15 02:49:39
Feature Comment
zaxarie Staff Member
Art Link: https://www.chronocompass.com/gallery/view/419
Expedition ID: S1
Keywords: /
Items: Seared Salmon
Familiars: N/A
2024-04-30 00:55:31
Feature Comment
ccbestiary Staff Member
The dragon swipes at Keshet, and your character finds themselves Confused! Until they are healed, they are unable to participate in challenges, and will bring back items from the wrong location during Adventures. It appears the dragon was unimpressed, despite Keshet's best efforts. They manage to gather some claws and fur before the dragon disappears back into the snow.
X2 Dark Hunting Loot
X1 Storm Hunting Loot
Turn this art in through Prompts to obtain your exp and prizes.
2024-05-13 22:33:05
Feature Comment