Comments on Expeditions 2024

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Zincwolf Avatar
Zincwolf Staff Member
Featured by Owner

Chronocompass ID#: 2118
Keywords: Advent
Familiars: n/a
Event?: Magnus

2024-04-20 17:58:08 (Edited 2024-04-21 19:03:57)

ccbestiary Avatar
ccbestiary Staff Member

During their journeys, R-332 Magnus discovers some new leads!

E168 Blizzard A snow storm blows in from nowhere, covering everything in two feet of snow! Is this a wrathful storm, or just the best snow day ever? Depict your character making their way through the snow.
S2 Eternal Storm Your character took shelter from a sudden snowstorm that shows no signs of stopping. In fact, it's getting worse by the second. In that the outline of a dragon? A huge beast is sniffing at the air. It spots your character's hiding spot and bares its fangs. "Oh, good. I hear lunch!" Depict your character trying to hide from the dragon, escaping, confronting it, or whatever else your character might do. The dragon must be depicted.

E278 Too Many Mushrooms Your character hears about some strange mushrooms only located in a secluded cavern. While your character is looking for these mushrooms, a cave-in occurs! Depict your character trying to get out of the cave one way or another. Mushrooms should be present.

The following features affected your results:
cave, snow, cold, rocks, dark, campfire, shelter

2024-04-20 20:38:24

Zincwolf Avatar
Zincwolf Staff Member

Art Link:
Expedition ID: S2
Keywords: Tame, Advent, Fight, Self Defence, Confront, Other ARPG, Dark, Storm
Items: n/a
Familiars: n/a

( other arpg in my silly attempt to see if it helps odds like regular taming)

2024-04-28 02:58:35 (Edited 2024-04-28 02:59:24)

ccbestiary Avatar
ccbestiary Staff Member

Despite the danger of S2, Magnus makes it through unharmed. It appears the dragon was unimpressed, despite Magnus’s best efforts. They grab what they can before escaping the appetite of the dragon.

X2 Dark Hunting Loot
X1 Jungle Gathering Loot

Turn this art in through Prompts to obtain your exp and prizes.

2024-05-13 12:21:51