Comments on Expeditions 2024

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ccbestiary Staff Member

It appears that this is not an event compass; Only can complete this expedition. It has been rolled with them; Please make sure to depict the expediter in the final piece.

During their journeys, ED-1252 Asmodea discovers some new leads!

E236 You Need How Much?! Now that things are less chaotic, it’s time for a celebration. Or, at least, it would be if there was anything to make a feast with. Go gather or hunt enough food to feed a village and their dragons!
E182 Two Heads is Better Than One A large Autumn festival is being held and your character is there to enjoy it! There's talk of people disappearing every now and then, but that's nothing to worry about, right? Depict your character at the Autumn festival! There should be signs of autumn or autumn festivities.
E238 Just a Snack It appears that wild beasts have made a nest far too close to the village. They aren’t violent towards people, but the livestock has started disappearing in the night. Depict your character dealing with the wild beasts. Does the village take them in? Drive them out? Are they intelligent enough to negotiate? You decide!

The following art features affected your results:
rabbit, familiar, rocks, hunting, forest, light, river, lake, pine trees

2024-04-20 20:42:50 (Edited 2024-04-20 21:01:32)