During their journeys, ED-904 Zip discovers some new leads!
E410 Solar Powered A portion of Luxsteam Isle is sinking towards the abyss. Depict your character trying to solve the problem, help the people cope, or whatever else they might do in this situation.
E74 Never a Quiet Day It seems two dragons have had a falling out, and they both come to your dragon for help. Depict your dragon mediating, picking sides, fighting, ignoring the drama, or whatever else they would do. At least one other dragon must be pictured.
E334 Ooaap A large, aerial, unexplained phenomena has been spotted darting across the wastelands. It apparently has a penchant for stealing cows. The ranchers offer a prize for whoever can save the cows. Depict your dragon attempting to save the cows or exploring near a flying, robotic object.
ccbestiary Staff Member
During their journeys, ED-904 Zip discovers some new leads!
E410 Solar Powered A portion of Luxsteam Isle is sinking towards the abyss. Depict your character trying to solve the problem, help the people cope, or whatever else they might do in this situation.
E74 Never a Quiet Day It seems two dragons have had a falling out, and they both come to your dragon for help. Depict your dragon mediating, picking sides, fighting, ignoring the drama, or whatever else they would do. At least one other dragon must be pictured.
E334 Ooaap A large, aerial, unexplained phenomena has been spotted darting across the wastelands. It apparently has a penchant for stealing cows. The ranchers offer a prize for whoever can save the cows. Depict your dragon attempting to save the cows or exploring near a flying, robotic object.
2024-04-27 00:56:30
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