Comments on Expeditions 2024

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MilkRat Avatar
MilkRat Staff Member

Chronocompass ID #: 2344?
Keywords: Night, Lake, Monsters
Familiars: N/A

2024-05-04 17:05:35

ccbestiary Avatar
ccbestiary Staff Member

During their journeys, ED-466 Nox discovers some new leads!

E240 Encounter With Disaster While finishing up, you hear the cries of someone in distress. Monsters are attacking another player’s dragon! Show your character arriving on the scene. Do they break it up, or make things worse?
E379 Salt the Earth A community garden was attacked in the night and had salt strewn across it. Depict your character trying to salvage the garden, helping plant a new garden, or getting vengeance for the act.
E277 Maiden of the Lake While traveling along an old, unused road, your character comes across a large lake with a small island at its center. The island is overgrown with plants, but they can just make out some sort of building. A crumbling stone bridge reaches out towards it, but it is in disrepair and unusable. Depict your character's encounter. Do they try to repair the bridge? Do they try to reach the other side through other means? Or maybe they decide to ignore it altogether. A bridge or island must be depicted.

The following art features affected your results:
lake, moon, rocks

('monsters' does not have quests yet, but a related word does :eyes: )

2024-05-12 16:06:27