E271 Legend of a Beast While sailing along a northern trade route, your vessel is attacked by what looks to be a giant octopus. Depict how your character interacts with this critter.
E237 Swindler Rumor has it that someone is going around scamming people. They offer nice items to trade, goods and services, and even ‘valuable’ items. They take the money and run before their work is done or their counterfeits are discovered. Depict your character getting to the bottom of this mystery.
E40 Highway Tollbeast A large amount of equally large animals is wreaking havoc on a nearby road, preventing anyone from travelling through. Depict how your character handles the situation.
MilkRat Staff Member
Chronocompass ID #: #2352
Keywords: egg
Familiars: N/A
2024-05-08 00:46:51
Feature Comment
ccbestiary Staff Member
During their journeys, ED-1007 Rhea discovers some new leads!
E271 Legend of a Beast While sailing along a northern trade route, your vessel is attacked by what looks to be a giant octopus. Depict how your character interacts with this critter.
E237 Swindler Rumor has it that someone is going around scamming people. They offer nice items to trade, goods and services, and even ‘valuable’ items. They take the money and run before their work is done or their counterfeits are discovered. Depict your character getting to the bottom of this mystery.
E40 Highway Tollbeast A large amount of equally large animals is wreaking havoc on a nearby road, preventing anyone from travelling through. Depict how your character handles the situation.
2024-05-12 16:39:51
Feature Comment