How did they meet: Crashes from the sky into his forest like a flaming sparkler. Malakai goes to investigate only to find this familiar in its primal energy form, before it settles into their true one. He takes it in thinking its injured, and it imprints with him as a result
Concept, Theme, or Animal: Ghibli. Stars. Pandora??
Phobias or things to avoid: No eyestraining colour combos or overly blurred together markings if possible. Sight issues. Hard to replicate ;;
Zincwolf Staff Member
Chosen Rider/Independent Dragon:
How did they meet: Crashes from the sky into his forest like a flaming sparkler. Malakai goes to investigate only to find this familiar in its primal energy form, before it settles into their true one. He takes it in thinking its injured, and it imprints with him as a result
Concept, Theme, or Animal: Ghibli. Stars. Pandora??
Phobias or things to avoid: No eyestraining colour combos or overly blurred together markings if possible. Sight issues. Hard to replicate ;;
2024-12-09 13:52:43 (Edited 2024-12-09 13:56:41)
Feature Comment