(Can I also ask what your opinions would be if he didn't have elements already on the side? I'm genuinely curious for reasons)
Astarote's strength and skill were unmatched by anyone around him. He could intimidate others with ease, and justifiably. He could sense the magic in things and harness it for his own; But that was not what compelled a dragon to choose him. Each of his actions had a purpose, and every time chaos was thrown his way, he reacted calmly. He knew how far his actions should go and was well aware of his surroundings. In a way, he was wiser than he was strong.
ccbestiary Staff Member
Tehutiy --
Rider: ID 205.
Prompts: (mild gore warning for chapter/prompt 3)
(Can I also ask what your opinions would be if he didn't have elements already on the side? I'm genuinely curious for reasons)
Astarote's strength and skill were unmatched by anyone around him. He could intimidate others with ease, and justifiably. He could sense the magic in things and harness it for his own; But that was not what compelled a dragon to choose him. Each of his actions had a purpose, and every time chaos was thrown his way, he reacted calmly. He knew how far his actions should go and was well aware of his surroundings. In a way, he was wiser than he was strong.
<b>Sex:</b> Male
<b>Element:</b> Dark/Fire
<b>Physical Traits:</b> Monstrous Snout, No Crest, Quadruped Body, Smooth Scales, Leather Wings, Reptilian Limbs, Whip Tail
<b>Display Traits:</b> Wisp, Sable, Comet
<b>Modifier Traits:</b> Transparent Skin, Dorsal Spines, Charged Boneless
<b>Mutations:</b> N/A
<b>Recessive Genes:</b> N/A
Lineage Info:
╭⎼⎼⎼⎼ SS: Unknown
Sire: Hephaestus 287
╰⎼⎼⎼⎼ SD: Unknown
╭⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼ DS: Unknown
Dam: Unknown
╰⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼ DD: Leviathan 545
Use this comment as your dragon's Origin.
(The result of this quest would have been Fire/Dark--go figure!)
2021-08-18 05:13:45 (Edited 2021-11-29 22:51:12)
Feature Comment
ccbestiary Staff Member
USED: https://www.chronocompass.com/character/ED-718
Sex: Male
Element: Dark/Fire
Physical Traits: Monstrous Snout, No Crest, Quadruped Body, Smooth Scales, Leather Wings, Reptilian Limbs, Whip Tail
Display Traits: Wisp, Sable, Comet
Modifier Traits: Transparent Skin, Dorsal Spines, Charged Boneless
Mutations: N/A
Recessive Genes: N/A
2021-11-17 22:44:33
Feature Comment