Comments on Inventory Eggs (deviantART)

ccbestiary Avatar
ccbestiary Staff Member

Wiggle wiggle.. crack!
What's this? Another little Jungle bean? Heck yeah it is. Have fun with this whiskered little bean.

Sex: Male
Element: Jungle
Physical Traits: Amphibious Snout, Spined Crest, Quadruped Body, Smooth Scales, Artificial Wings, Artificial Limbs, Raptor Tail
Display Traits: Checkered, Dart Frog
Modifier Traits: Whiskers, Miniature
Mutations: N/A
Recessive Genes: N/A

╭⎼⎼⎼⎼ SS: Android 7
Sire: Unknown
╰⎼⎼⎼⎼ SD: Unknown

╭⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼ DS: Unknown
Dam: Freckle 5
╰⎼⎼⎼⎼⎼ DD: Unknown

2021-08-18 06:49:55 (Edited 2021-11-30 01:45:45)