Comments on Aurelia's Hatchery (deviantART)

ccbestiary Avatar
ccbestiary Staff Member

Sex: Female
Element: Metal
Physical Traits: Scrounge Snout, Thorned Crest, Biped Body, Smooth Scales, Scythe Wings, Amphibious Limbs, Segmented Tail
Display Traits: Spotted, Rusted
Modifier Traits: Dorsal Fin, Armored
Mutations: N/A
Recessive Genes: N/A

Please take care of this armored bean! Use this comment as proof of ownership.

Father: Matcha 211
Mother's Mother: Eridanus 135

2021-08-28 12:58:14 (Edited 2021-12-01 00:27:05)

ccbestiary Avatar
ccbestiary Staff Member

Sex: Female
Element: Metal
Physical Traits: Scrounge Snout, Thorned Crest, Biped Body, Smooth Scales, Scythe Wings, Amphibious Limbs, Segmented Tail
Display Traits: Spotted, Rusted
Modifier Traits: Dorsal Fin, Armored
Mutations: N/A
Recessive Genes: N/A

2021-10-09 06:51:17