BlackTiger128 Sex: Female Element: Light/Ocean Physical Traits: Aquatic Snout, Finned Crest, Quadruped Body, Velvet Scales, Wingless, Aquatic Limbs, Aquatic Tail Display Traits: Appaloosa Modifier Traits: Miniature, Star Pearl Mutations: N/A Recessive: N/A Use this comment as proof of ownership. This bean has no lineage.
2021-08-28 13:33:26 (Edited 2021-11-30 23:49:24)
USED: Sex: Female Element: Light/Ocean Physical Traits: Aquatic Snout, Finned Crest, Quadruped Body, Smooth Scales, Wingless, Aquatic Limbs, Aquatic Tail Display Traits: Appaloosa Modifier Traits: Miniature, Star Pearl Mutations: N/A Recessive Genes: N/A
2021-09-22 02:02:21
ccbestiary Staff Member
Sex: Female
Element: Light/Ocean
Physical Traits: Aquatic Snout, Finned Crest, Quadruped Body, Velvet Scales, Wingless, Aquatic Limbs, Aquatic Tail
Display Traits: Appaloosa
Modifier Traits: Miniature, Star Pearl
Mutations: N/A
Recessive: N/A
Use this comment as proof of ownership. This bean has no lineage.
2021-08-28 13:33:26 (Edited 2021-11-30 23:49:24)
Feature Comment
ccbestiary Staff Member
Sex: Female
Element: Light/Ocean
Physical Traits: Aquatic Snout, Finned Crest, Quadruped Body, Smooth Scales, Wingless, Aquatic Limbs, Aquatic Tail
Display Traits: Appaloosa
Modifier Traits: Miniature, Star Pearl
Mutations: N/A
Recessive Genes: N/A
2021-09-22 02:02:21
Feature Comment