Art Tracker
2021-08-28 20:30:50
MAX LEVEL Activity: Courtship Art
2024-08-17 07:55:10
MAX LEVEL Activity: No Prompt
2024-06-17 17:22:42
"Art Link: Activity: Event"
2022-01-31 23:45:50
hatchery quest 25 max > max
2021-12-21 11:20:56
old exp: MAX
2021-09-17 17:30:20
2021-11-04 20:45:20 (Edited 2021-11-19 01:23:36) -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
2021-09-17 17:29:27
EXP Total: 10 EXP EXP Breakdown: Prompt 2 Lined- 1 Colored- 2 Shaded- 1 BG- 2 Traditional- 2 Partner- 1 Terrain - 1 prev 450 new 460 -- EXP Total: 8 EXP EXP Breakdown: Line/Sketch- 1 Colored- 2 Shaded- 1 BG- 2 Event - 1 Personal Art - 1 prev 460 new 468 -- EXP Total: 16 EXP EXP Breakdown: 1290 WC - 8 EXP Well-established setting - 2 EXP StoryTelling: 2 EXP (1200 words) Personal Art - 1 EXP Rider - 2 EXP Terrain - 1 EXP (Earth) Prev: 468 New: 484 -- EXP Total: 13 EXP EXP Breakdown: 970 WC - 6 EXP Well-established setting - 2 EXP Personal Art - 1 EXP Rider - 2 EXP Terrain - 1 EXP (Earth) Familiar - 1 EXP (Falcon) prev 484 > new 497 -- EXP Total: 3 EXP EXP Breakdown: Lined - 1 EXP Colored - 2 EXP prev 497 > new 500
2021-09-17 17:29:20
Link to Art: Panel 1 EXP Total: 7 EXP Breakdown: Linework or Sketch – 1 EXP Color – 2 EXP Shading – 1 EXP Standard BG - 2 EXP Partner - 1 EXP Link to Art: Panel 2 EXP Total: 10 EXP Breakdown: Linework or Sketch – 1 EXP Color – 2 EXP Shading – 1 EXP Standard BG - 2 EXP Partner - 1 EXP Terrain - 1 EXP Familiar - Robin - 2 EXP Link to Art: Panel 3 EXP Total: 8 EXP Breakdown: Linework or Sketch – 1 EXP Color – 2 EXP Shading – 1 EXP Standard BG - 2 EXP Partner - 1 EXP Terrain - 1 EXP prev 341 new 366 -- EXP Total: 12 EXP EXP Breakdown: 963 WC - 6 EXP Well-established setting - 2 EXP Personal Art - 1 EXP Partner - 1 EXP Rider - 2 EXP prev 366 new 378 -- EXP Total: 11 EXP EXP Breakdown: lined- 1 Colored- 2 Shaded- 1 BG- 2 Rider- 2 Partner- 1 Traditional- 2 prev 378 new 389 -- EXP Total: 6 EXP EXP Breakdown: lined- 1 colored- 2 shaded- 1 BG- 2 prev 389 new 395 -- EXP Total: 14 EXP EXP Breakdown: 658 WC - 4 EXP Well-established setting - 2 EXP Event - 1 EXP Personal Art - 1 EXP Rider - 2 EXP Calender - 3 EXP Terrain - 1 EXP (Hopefully Meiron's den counts as this) Prev: 395 New: 409 -- (placed together as they are linked ><) EXP Total: 30 EXP EXP Breakdown: Art Linework - 1 Color - 2 Shading - 1 Background - 2 Collab - 2 Accompaniment - 2 (see here) Partner - 1 Event - 1 Story 1659 WC - 10 EXP Well Established Settting - 2 EXP Story Telling - 2 EXP Riders - 2 EXP Party Parrot - 2 EXP (attached to Meiron, Sorcha's Rider) prev 409 new 439 -- EXP Total: 11 EXP EXP Breakdown: Prompt 1 Lined- 1 Colored- 2 Shaded- 1 BG- 2 Traditional- 2 Partner- 1 Robin (On Magda, Bullfrog's rider)- 2 prev 439 new 450 --
2021-09-17 17:29:08
EXP Total: 10 EXP EXP Breakdown: 680 WC - 2 EXP Well-established setting - 2 EXP Personal Art - 1 EXP Rider - 2 EXP Event - 2 EXP Mac the Merry - 1 EXP prev 272 new 282 -- EXP Total: 8 EXP EXP Breakdown: 664 WC - 2 EXP Well-established setting - 2 EXP Personal Art - 1 EXP Rider - 2 EXP Familiar - 1 EXP prev 282 new 290 -- EXP Total: 11 EXP EXP Breakdown: Lines-1 Color-2 Shading-1 BG- 2 Traditional- 2 Partner- 1 Robin - 2 (On Anne, popples rider) prev 290 new 301 -- EXP Total: 9 EXP EXP Breakdown: 917 WC - 6 EXP Well-established setting - 2 EXP Personal Art - 1 EXP prev 301 new 310 -- EXP Total: 7 EXP EXP Breakdown: Linework or Sketch – 1 EXP Shading – 1 EXP Color - 2 EXP Standard Background - 2 EXP Partner - 1 EXP Prev: 310 New: 317 -- EXP Total: 8 EXP Breakdown: Lining - 1 Color - 2 EXP Shading - 1 EXP Standard Background - 2 EXP Partner - 1 EXP terrain 1 exp 317 > 325 -- EXP Total: 8 EXP EXP Breakdown: Lining - 1 Color - 2 EXP Shading - 1 EXP Standard Background - 2 EXP Partner - 1 EXP prev 325 new 333 -- EXP Total: 8 EXP Breakdown: Lines 1 Color: 2 Shading: 1 Standard BG: 2 Partner: 1 Terrain: 1 prev 333 new 341
2021-09-17 17:28:56
Exp Total: 15 Exp Exp Breakdown: Sketch - 1 EXP Color - 2 EXP Shaded - 1 EXP Standard BG - 2 EXP Traditional - 2 EXP Partner - 1 EXP Event - 2 EXP Personal Art - 1 EXP Party Parrot Bonus - 2 EXP (attached to Set, Gilli's rider) Friendly Familiar - 1 EXP (Mac the merry is attached to Meiron, Sorcha's Rider) prev 206 new 221 -- EXP Total: 14 EXP EXP Breakdown: Linework or Sketch – 1 EXP Shading – 1 EXP Standard Background – 2 EXP Partner - 1 EXP Event EXP Bonus - 2 EXP 7 x 2 = 14 EXP prev 221 new 235 -- EXP Total: 16 EXP EXP Breakdown: Linework or Sketch – 1 EXP Shading – 1 EXP Coloring - 2 EXP Standard Background - 2 EXP Event - 2 EXP Partner - 1 EXP (and all of these belong to Magda, Bullfrogs rider) Robin companion (+2), a Party Parrot (+2), and her den [the canyon] is equipped with a calendar (+3)! prev 235 new 251 -- EXP Total: 21 EXP EXP Breakdown: + 1 lined + 2 color + 1 shading + 1 partner + 2 bg 7 x 3 = 21 prev; 251 new; 272
2021-09-17 17:28:44
EXP Total: 9 EXP EXP Breakdown: Linework - 1 EXP Color - 2 EXP Shading - 1 EXP Standard Background - 2 EXP Partner - 1 EXP Event - 2 EXP prev: 76 new: 85 -- EXP Total: 13EXP EXP Breakdown: (top right panel) Lined- 1 Color- 2 Shaded- 1 Standard BG- 2 Traditional- 2 Partner- 1 Event- 2 Party Parrot Bonus - 2 (attached to Set, Gilli's rider) prev; 85 new; 98 -- EXP Total: 11 EXP Breakdown: Sketch - 1 EXP Shading – 1 EXP Standard Background– 2 EXP Traditional - 2 EXP Partner - 1 EXP PArty Parrot - 2 EXP Event 2 prev 98 new 109 -- EXP Total: 22 EXP EXP Breakdown: 1500 WC - 10 EXP Well-established setting - 2 EXP Festival of Night - 2 EXP Personal Art - 1 EXP Partner - 1 EXP Story-Telling - 2 EXP Party Parrot - 2 EXP (attached to Set, Gilli's rider) Mac the merry - 2 EXP (attached to Meiron, Sorcha's Rider) prev; 109 new; 131 -- EXP Total: 9 EXP EXP Breakdown: Linework - 1 EXP Shaded - 1 EXP Background - 2 EXP Partner - 1 EXP Event - 2 EXP Traditional - 2 EXP prev 131 new 140 -- EXP Total: 7 EXP Breakdown: Linework or Sketch – 1 EXP Shading – 1 EXP Standard Background - 2 EXP Event - 2 EXP Partner - 1 EXP prev 140 new 147 -- EXP Total: 14 EXP EXP Breakdown: 937 WC - 6 EXP Well-established setting - 2 EXP Festival of Night - 2 EXP Rider - 2 EXp Personal Art - 1 EXP Partner - 1 EXP Prev 147 New 161 -- EXP Total: 11 EXP EXP Breakdown: 648 WC - 4 EXP Well-established setting - 2 EXP Festival of Night - 2 EXP Personal Art - 1 EXP Partner - 1 EXP Mac the Merry - 1 EXP (Attached to Meiron, Sorcha's Rider) prev 161 new 172 -- EXP Total: 34 EXP EXP Breakdown: sketch- 1 shaded- 1 BG- 2 traditional- 2 partner- 1 event- 2 party parrot- 2 11x3=33 +Mac in the last one -1 prev 172 new 206
2021-09-17 17:28:28
EXP Total: 5 EXP EXP Breakdown: Linework – 1 EXP Color – 2 EXP Shading – 1 EXP Personal Art - 1 EXP prev: 0 new: 5 -- prev: 5 new: 15 Link to Art: CC - Festival of Night: Blizzard EXP Total: 10 EXP EXP Breakdown: 600 WC - 4 EXP Well-established setting - 2 EXP Festival of Night - 2 EXP Personal Art: 1 EXP Partner - 1 EXP -- EXP Total: 11 EXP (i think) EXP Breakdown: panel 4: linework - 1 color - 2 shading - 1 standard background - 2 traditional - 2 partner - 1 event - 2 prev: 15 new: 26 -- EXP Total: 14 EXP Breakdown: Lines or Sketch- 1 EXP Color- 2 EXP Shading- 1 EXP Standard BG- 2 EXP 300 words- 2 EXP Accompaniment- 1 EXP Partner- 1 EXP Event- 2 EXP Traditional- 2 EXP prev: 26 new: 40 -- EXP Total: 18 EXP EXP Breakdown: 900 WC - 6 EXP Well-established setting - 2 EXP Festival of Night - 2 EXP Personal Art - 1 EXP Partner - 1 EXP Rider - 2 EXP Party Parrot - 2 EXP (attached to Set, Gilli's rider) storytelling 2 prev: 40 new: 58 -- EXP Total: 15 EXP EXP Breakdown: 900 WC - 6 EXP Well-established setting - 2 EXP Story-telling - 2 EXP Accompanient - 2 EXP Personal Art - 1 EXP Rider - 2 EXP prev:58 new: 73 -- EXP Total: 3 EXP EXP Breakdown: Linework – 1 EXP Color – 2 EXP Shading – 1 EXP Partner - 1 EXP Entry is only partial body so EXP is halved prev: 73 new: 76
2021-09-17 17:28:15
courtship companion --
2021-09-10 01:18:36
courtship companion --
2021-09-09 23:45:50
courtship companion --
2021-09-09 23:36:44
courtship art --
2021-08-28 21:22:09
courtship companion --
2021-08-28 21:19:21
courtship --
2021-08-28 21:06:00
courtship art --
2021-08-28 20:31:12
ccbestiary Staff Member
Art Tracker
2021-08-28 20:30:50
Feature Comment
Returu Staff Member
Activity: Courtship Art
2024-08-17 07:55:10
Feature Comment
Returu Staff Member
Activity: No Prompt
2024-06-17 17:22:42
Feature Comment
ccbestiary Staff Member
"Art Link:
Activity: Event"
2022-01-31 23:45:50
Feature Comment
ccbestiary Staff Member
hatchery quest 25
max > max
2021-12-21 11:20:56
Feature Comment
ccbestiary Staff Member
old exp: MAX
2021-09-17 17:30:20
Feature Comment
ccbestiary Staff Member
2021-11-04 20:45:20 (Edited 2021-11-19 01:23:36)
Feature Comment
ccbestiary Staff Member
2021-09-17 17:29:27
Feature Comment
ccbestiary Staff Member
EXP Total: 10 EXP
EXP Breakdown:
Prompt 2
Lined- 1
Colored- 2
Shaded- 1
BG- 2
Traditional- 2
Partner- 1
Terrain - 1
prev 450
new 460
EXP Total: 8 EXP
EXP Breakdown:
Line/Sketch- 1
Colored- 2
Shaded- 1
BG- 2
Event - 1
Personal Art - 1
prev 460
new 468
EXP Total: 16 EXP
EXP Breakdown:
1290 WC - 8 EXP
Well-established setting - 2 EXP
StoryTelling: 2 EXP (1200 words)
Personal Art - 1 EXP
Rider - 2 EXP
Terrain - 1 EXP (Earth)
Prev: 468
New: 484
EXP Total: 13 EXP
EXP Breakdown:
970 WC - 6 EXP
Well-established setting - 2 EXP
Personal Art - 1 EXP
Rider - 2 EXP
Terrain - 1 EXP (Earth)
Familiar - 1 EXP (Falcon)
prev 484 > new 497
EXP Total: 3 EXP
EXP Breakdown:
Lined - 1 EXP
Colored - 2 EXP
prev 497 > new 500
2021-09-17 17:29:20
Feature Comment
ccbestiary Staff Member
Link to Art: Panel 1
EXP Total: 7
EXP Breakdown:
Linework or Sketch – 1 EXP
Color – 2 EXP
Shading – 1 EXP
Standard BG - 2 EXP
Partner - 1 EXP
Link to Art: Panel 2
EXP Total: 10
EXP Breakdown:
Linework or Sketch – 1 EXP
Color – 2 EXP
Shading – 1 EXP
Standard BG - 2 EXP
Partner - 1 EXP
Terrain - 1 EXP
Familiar - Robin - 2 EXP
Link to Art: Panel 3
EXP Total: 8
EXP Breakdown:
Linework or Sketch – 1 EXP
Color – 2 EXP
Shading – 1 EXP
Standard BG - 2 EXP
Partner - 1 EXP
Terrain - 1 EXP
prev 341
new 366
EXP Total: 12 EXP
EXP Breakdown:
963 WC - 6 EXP
Well-established setting - 2 EXP
Personal Art - 1 EXP
Partner - 1 EXP
Rider - 2 EXP
prev 366
new 378
EXP Total: 11 EXP
EXP Breakdown:
lined- 1
Colored- 2
Shaded- 1
BG- 2
Rider- 2
Partner- 1
Traditional- 2
prev 378
new 389
EXP Total: 6 EXP
EXP Breakdown:
lined- 1
colored- 2
shaded- 1
BG- 2
prev 389
new 395
EXP Total: 14 EXP
EXP Breakdown:
658 WC - 4 EXP
Well-established setting - 2 EXP
Event - 1 EXP
Personal Art - 1 EXP
Rider - 2 EXP
Calender - 3 EXP
Terrain - 1 EXP (Hopefully Meiron's den counts as this)
Prev: 395
New: 409
(placed together as they are linked ><)
EXP Total: 30 EXP
EXP Breakdown:
Linework - 1
Color - 2
Shading - 1
Background - 2
Collab - 2
Accompaniment - 2 (see here)
Partner - 1
Event - 1
1659 WC - 10 EXP
Well Established Settting - 2 EXP
Story Telling - 2 EXP
Riders - 2 EXP
Party Parrot - 2 EXP (attached to Meiron, Sorcha's Rider)
prev 409
new 439
EXP Total: 11 EXP
EXP Breakdown:
Prompt 1
Lined- 1
Colored- 2
Shaded- 1
BG- 2
Traditional- 2
Partner- 1
Robin (On Magda, Bullfrog's rider)- 2
prev 439
new 450
2021-09-17 17:29:08
Feature Comment
ccbestiary Staff Member
EXP Total: 10 EXP
EXP Breakdown:
680 WC - 2 EXP
Well-established setting - 2 EXP
Personal Art - 1 EXP
Rider - 2 EXP
Event - 2 EXP
Mac the Merry - 1 EXP
prev 272
new 282
EXP Total: 8 EXP
EXP Breakdown:
664 WC - 2 EXP
Well-established setting - 2 EXP
Personal Art - 1 EXP
Rider - 2 EXP
Familiar - 1 EXP
prev 282
new 290
EXP Total: 11 EXP
EXP Breakdown:
BG- 2
Traditional- 2
Partner- 1
Robin - 2 (On Anne, popples rider)
prev 290
new 301
EXP Total: 9 EXP
EXP Breakdown:
917 WC - 6 EXP
Well-established setting - 2 EXP
Personal Art - 1 EXP
prev 301
new 310
EXP Total: 7 EXP
EXP Breakdown:
Linework or Sketch – 1 EXP
Shading – 1 EXP
Color - 2 EXP
Standard Background - 2 EXP
Partner - 1 EXP
Prev: 310
New: 317
EXP Total: 8
EXP Breakdown:
Lining - 1
Color - 2 EXP
Shading - 1 EXP
Standard Background - 2 EXP
Partner - 1 EXP
terrain 1 exp
317 > 325
EXP Total: 8 EXP
EXP Breakdown:
Lining - 1
Color - 2 EXP
Shading - 1 EXP
Standard Background - 2 EXP
Partner - 1 EXP
prev 325
new 333
EXP Total: 8
EXP Breakdown:
Lines 1
Color: 2
Shading: 1
Standard BG: 2
Partner: 1
Terrain: 1
prev 333
new 341
2021-09-17 17:28:56
Feature Comment
ccbestiary Staff Member
Exp Total: 15 Exp
Exp Breakdown:
Sketch - 1 EXP
Color - 2 EXP
Shaded - 1 EXP
Standard BG - 2 EXP
Traditional - 2 EXP
Partner - 1 EXP
Event - 2 EXP
Personal Art - 1 EXP
Party Parrot Bonus - 2 EXP (attached to Set, Gilli's rider)
Friendly Familiar - 1 EXP (Mac the merry is attached to Meiron, Sorcha's Rider)
prev 206
new 221
EXP Total: 14 EXP
EXP Breakdown:
Linework or Sketch – 1 EXP
Shading – 1 EXP
Standard Background – 2 EXP
Partner - 1 EXP
Event EXP Bonus - 2 EXP
7 x 2 = 14 EXP
prev 221
new 235
EXP Total: 16 EXP
EXP Breakdown:
Linework or Sketch – 1 EXP
Shading – 1 EXP
Coloring - 2 EXP
Standard Background - 2 EXP
Event - 2 EXP
Partner - 1 EXP
(and all of these belong to Magda, Bullfrogs rider)
Robin companion (+2),
a Party Parrot (+2),
and her den [the canyon] is equipped with a calendar (+3)!
prev 235
new 251
EXP Total: 21 EXP
EXP Breakdown:
+ 1 lined
+ 2 color
+ 1 shading
+ 1 partner
+ 2 bg
7 x 3 = 21
prev; 251
new; 272
2021-09-17 17:28:44
Feature Comment
ccbestiary Staff Member
EXP Total: 9 EXP
EXP Breakdown:
Linework - 1 EXP
Color - 2 EXP
Shading - 1 EXP
Standard Background - 2 EXP
Partner - 1 EXP
Event - 2 EXP
prev: 76
new: 85
EXP Total: 13EXP
EXP Breakdown:
(top right panel)
Lined- 1
Color- 2
Shaded- 1
Standard BG- 2
Traditional- 2
Partner- 1
Event- 2
Party Parrot Bonus - 2 (attached to Set, Gilli's rider)
prev; 85
new; 98
EXP Total: 11
EXP Breakdown:
Sketch - 1 EXP
Shading – 1 EXP
Standard Background– 2 EXP
Traditional - 2 EXP
Partner - 1 EXP
PArty Parrot - 2 EXP
Event 2
prev 98
new 109
EXP Total: 22 EXP
EXP Breakdown:
1500 WC - 10 EXP
Well-established setting - 2 EXP
Festival of Night - 2 EXP
Personal Art - 1 EXP
Partner - 1 EXP
Story-Telling - 2 EXP
Party Parrot - 2 EXP (attached to Set, Gilli's rider)
Mac the merry - 2 EXP (attached to Meiron, Sorcha's Rider)
prev; 109
new; 131
EXP Total: 9 EXP
EXP Breakdown:
Linework - 1 EXP
Shaded - 1 EXP
Background - 2 EXP
Partner - 1 EXP
Event - 2 EXP
Traditional - 2 EXP
prev 131
new 140
EXP Total: 7
EXP Breakdown:
Linework or Sketch – 1 EXP
Shading – 1 EXP
Standard Background - 2 EXP
Event - 2 EXP
Partner - 1 EXP
prev 140
new 147
EXP Total: 14 EXP
EXP Breakdown:
937 WC - 6 EXP
Well-established setting - 2 EXP
Festival of Night - 2 EXP
Rider - 2 EXp
Personal Art - 1 EXP
Partner - 1 EXP
Prev 147
New 161
EXP Total: 11 EXP
EXP Breakdown:
648 WC - 4 EXP
Well-established setting - 2 EXP
Festival of Night - 2 EXP
Personal Art - 1 EXP
Partner - 1 EXP
Mac the Merry - 1 EXP (Attached to Meiron, Sorcha's Rider)
prev 161
new 172
EXP Total: 34 EXP
EXP Breakdown:
sketch- 1
shaded- 1
BG- 2
traditional- 2
partner- 1
event- 2
party parrot- 2
+Mac in the last one -1
prev 172
new 206
2021-09-17 17:28:28
Feature Comment
ccbestiary Staff Member
EXP Total: 5 EXP
EXP Breakdown:
Linework – 1 EXP
Color – 2 EXP
Shading – 1 EXP
Personal Art - 1 EXP
prev: 0
new: 5
prev: 5
new: 15
Link to Art: CC - Festival of Night: Blizzard
EXP Total: 10 EXP
EXP Breakdown:
600 WC - 4 EXP
Well-established setting - 2 EXP
Festival of Night - 2 EXP
Personal Art: 1 EXP
Partner - 1 EXP
EXP Total: 11 EXP (i think)
EXP Breakdown:
panel 4:
linework - 1
color - 2
shading - 1
standard background - 2
traditional - 2
partner - 1
event - 2
prev: 15
new: 26
EXP Total: 14
EXP Breakdown:
Lines or Sketch- 1 EXP
Color- 2 EXP
Shading- 1 EXP
Standard BG- 2 EXP
300 words- 2 EXP
Accompaniment- 1 EXP
Partner- 1 EXP
Event- 2 EXP
Traditional- 2 EXP
prev: 26
new: 40
EXP Total: 18 EXP
EXP Breakdown:
900 WC - 6 EXP
Well-established setting - 2 EXP
Festival of Night - 2 EXP
Personal Art - 1 EXP
Partner - 1 EXP
Rider - 2 EXP
Party Parrot - 2 EXP (attached to Set, Gilli's rider)
storytelling 2
prev: 40
new: 58
EXP Total: 15 EXP
EXP Breakdown:
900 WC - 6 EXP
Well-established setting - 2 EXP
Story-telling - 2 EXP
Accompanient - 2 EXP
Personal Art - 1 EXP
Rider - 2 EXP
new: 73
EXP Total: 3 EXP
EXP Breakdown:
Linework – 1 EXP
Color – 2 EXP
Shading – 1 EXP
Partner - 1 EXP
Entry is only partial body so EXP is halved
prev: 73
new: 76
2021-09-17 17:28:15
Feature Comment
ccbestiary Staff Member
courtship companion --
2021-09-10 01:18:36
Feature Comment
ccbestiary Staff Member
courtship companion --
2021-09-09 23:45:50
Feature Comment
ccbestiary Staff Member
courtship companion --
2021-09-09 23:36:44
Feature Comment
ccbestiary Staff Member
courtship art --
2021-08-28 21:22:09
Feature Comment
ccbestiary Staff Member
courtship companion --
2021-08-28 21:19:21
Feature Comment
ccbestiary Staff Member
courtship --
2021-08-28 21:06:00
Feature Comment
ccbestiary Staff Member
courtship art --
2021-08-28 20:31:12
Feature Comment