Comments on ED-114: Sorcha

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ccbestiary Staff Member

Exp Total: 15 Exp
Exp Breakdown:
Sketch - 1 EXP
Color - 2 EXP
Shaded - 1 EXP
Standard BG - 2 EXP
Traditional - 2 EXP
Partner - 1 EXP
Event - 2 EXP
Personal Art - 1 EXP
Party Parrot Bonus - 2 EXP (attached to Set, Gilli's rider)
Friendly Familiar - 1 EXP (Mac the merry is attached to Meiron, Sorcha's Rider)

prev 206
new 221
EXP Total: 14 EXP
EXP Breakdown:
Linework or Sketch – 1 EXP
Shading – 1 EXP
Standard Background – 2 EXP
Partner - 1 EXP
Event EXP Bonus - 2 EXP

7 x 2 = 14 EXP

prev 221
new 235
EXP Total: 16 EXP
EXP Breakdown:
Linework or Sketch – 1 EXP
Shading – 1 EXP
Coloring - 2 EXP
Standard Background - 2 EXP
Event - 2 EXP
Partner - 1 EXP
(and all of these belong to Magda, Bullfrogs rider)
Robin companion (+2),
a Party Parrot (+2),
and her den [the canyon] is equipped with a calendar (+3)!

prev 235
new 251
EXP Total: 21 EXP
EXP Breakdown:
+ 1 lined
+ 2 color
+ 1 shading
+ 1 partner
+ 2 bg

7 x 3 = 21

prev; 251
new; 272

2021-09-17 17:28:44