BlackTiger128 Sex: Female Element: Metal Physical Traits: Artificial Snout, Artificial Crest, Wyrm Body, Artificial Scales, Scythe Wings, Artificial Limbs, Tufted Tail Display Traits: Stairstep, Fractal, Rusted Modifier Traits: Engraved, Display, Armored Mutations: N/A Recessive Genes: N/A This angular bean has no lineage. Please use this comment as your proof of ownership.
2021-09-28 19:20:32
ccbestiary Staff Member
Sex: Female
Element: Metal
Physical Traits: Artificial Snout, Artificial Crest, Wyrm Body, Artificial Scales, Scythe Wings, Artificial Limbs, Tufted Tail
Display Traits: Stairstep, Fractal, Rusted
Modifier Traits: Engraved, Display, Armored
Mutations: N/A
Recessive Genes: N/A
This angular bean has no lineage. Please use this comment as your proof of ownership.
2021-09-28 19:20:32
Feature Comment