Comments on Meteors Galore Event

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ccbestiary Staff Member

Your intuition was spot-on! The 10% chance of a random metal/storm dragon happened!
Sex: Male
Element: Metal/Storm
Physical Traits: Fruit Snout, Thorned Crest, Biped Body, Velvet Scales, Scythe Wings, Fingered Limbs, Rat Tail
Display Traits: Vibrancy, Stairstep, Veined, Striped, Suntouched, Chroma
Modifier Traits: Double Crest, Shimmer, Sheen, Webbed Tail, Armored
Mutation: Independent

Father: Matcha 211
Father's Father: Jormungandr 218

2021-10-16 11:32:09 (Edited 2021-12-09 04:12:33)