Sex: Male Element: Metal Physical Traits: Scrounge Snout, Thorned Crest, Biped Body, Smooth Scales, Scythe Wings, Fingered Limbs, Segmented Tail Display Traits: Dancer, Flight Bars, Patina, Stairstep, Charged Veined, Charged Chroma Modifier Traits: Capricorn, Fanged, Charged Engraved, Sheen, Plated Spine, Tattered, Armored Mutations: N/A Recessive Genes: N/A Use this comment as your dragons' origin. Lineage will be assigned upon upload, or you may use SC guidelines to pick your own ancestors. Please take care of this sword-dancing dragon~ returu
2021-11-09 20:27:04 (Edited 2021-12-01 23:36:08)
USED: Sex: Female Element: Metal Physical Traits: Scrounge Snout, Thorned Crest, Bipedal Body, Smooth Scales, Scythe Wings, Fingered Limbs, Segmented Tail Display Traits: Dancer, Flight Bars, Patina, Stairstep, Charged Veined, Charged Chroma Modifier Traits: Capricorn, Fanged, Charged Engraved, Sheen, Plated Spine, Tattered, Armored Mutations: N/A Recessive Genes: N/A
2021-11-16 23:56:12
ccbestiary Staff Member
Sex: Male
Element: Metal
Physical Traits: Scrounge Snout, Thorned Crest, Biped Body, Smooth Scales, Scythe Wings, Fingered Limbs, Segmented Tail
Display Traits: Dancer, Flight Bars, Patina, Stairstep, Charged Veined, Charged Chroma
Modifier Traits: Capricorn, Fanged, Charged Engraved, Sheen, Plated Spine, Tattered, Armored
Mutations: N/A
Recessive Genes: N/A
Use this comment as your dragons' origin. Lineage will be assigned upon upload, or you may use SC guidelines to pick your own ancestors. Please take care of this sword-dancing dragon~
2021-11-09 20:27:04 (Edited 2021-12-01 23:36:08)
Feature Comment
ccbestiary Staff Member
Sex: Female
Element: Metal
Physical Traits: Scrounge Snout, Thorned Crest, Bipedal Body, Smooth Scales, Scythe Wings, Fingered Limbs, Segmented Tail
Display Traits: Dancer, Flight Bars, Patina, Stairstep, Charged Veined, Charged Chroma
Modifier Traits: Capricorn, Fanged, Charged Engraved, Sheen, Plated Spine, Tattered, Armored
Mutations: N/A
Recessive Genes: N/A
2021-11-16 23:56:12
Feature Comment