Comments on Aurelia's Hatchery (deviantART)

ccbestiary Avatar
ccbestiary Staff Member

Here is your optional design from cosmonstars!

Sex: ???
Element: Wind
Physical Traits: Theropod Snout, Feathered Crest, Wyvern Body, Feathered Scales, Feathered Wings, Reptilian Limbs, Raptor Tail
Display Traits: Collared, Tipped
Modifier Traits: Extensions, Frilled
Mutations: N/A
Recessive Genes: N/A

Use this comment as your dragon's origin. Please take care of this spooky noodle dragon! Lineage will be assigned upon upload, or you may use SC guidelines to pick your own lineage.

2021-11-16 23:16:27 (Edited 2021-12-01 08:57:22)

ccbestiary Avatar
ccbestiary Staff Member

Sex: Female
Element: Wind
Physical Traits: Theropod Snout, Feathered Crest, Wyvern Body, Feathered Scales, Feathered Wings, Reptilian Limbs, Raptor Tail
Display Traits: Collared, Tipped
Modifier Traits: Extensions, Frilled
Mutations: N/A
Recessive Genes: N/A

2021-11-16 23:17:00