Comments on Use Inventory (CC)

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ccbestiary Staff Member

What could hatch from here? Perhaps something…wild?
Sex: Male
Element: Earth
Physical Traits: Reptilian Snout, Saurian Crest, Bipedal Body, Smooth Scales, Wingless, Reptilian Limbs, Whip Tail
Display Traits: Sandstone, Tobiano, Brindle, Fawn Spots
Modifier Traits: Brawn, Fanged, Protofeathers, Charged Maned
Mutations: N/A
Recessive Genes: N/A

Use this comment as your dragon’s origin. You may use SC rules for its lineage or leave it blank for us to fill out. Please take care of this dino which is also fuzzy.

2021-11-18 02:43:43 (Edited 2022-01-22 03:20:59)