Comments on Use Inventory (CC)

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ccbestiary Staff Member

Your egg wibbles and wobbles. What could be inside…?

Sex: Male
Element: Light/Wind
Physical Traits: Theropod Snout, Feathered Crest, Quadruped Body, Feathered Scales, Wingless, Reptilian Limbs, Tufted Tail
Display Traits: Roan, Rabicano, Tipped, Pangare
Modifier Traits: Star Pearl, Plumes, Gilded, Extensions, Heraldry
Mutations: N/A
Recessive Genes: N/A

Use SC lineage guidelines or leave the lineage blank to have them automatically assigned. Use this comment as your dragon’s origin. Please take care of this good bean!

2021-11-18 03:01:44 (Edited 2021-12-07 00:45:17)