[Gift] Journey

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Another day, another fight, another mess to clean up. Which Lux had done, Chihiro though, as was her norm, allowed people on her back and carried them to safety, a place currently beyond the reach of either affiliation. It had taken her days to reach her destination, but for the journey back she'd decided to take a less safe, but quicker route.... of course, at the time she hadn't realized exactly what that would entail, a massive underground system, not natural, carved, and all but covered in foliage that gleamed in the light given off by her star pearl.

She'd drawn to a halt, the pathway in front of her split into 7 separate paths, and none of them where giving anything away. She reared up onto her hind legs, wings fluttering as both her tail and whiskers moved as she considered her options. Which path to choose....

A grin spread over her face as her star pearl moved unbidden, the numbers glowing in the dark. She stretched out her hands to grasp it, 'disconnecting' her conscious from it so that it would roll like the dice it mimicked. With a deft move the 10 sided star pearl went rolling, spinning slightly as is drew to a halt. 3. Well that made that choice for her. Picking it back up she headed down the third pathway, was this the way out? It wasn't, but she had managed to find an old dagger, and mildy wondered if Lux would have any use for it. Reaching the spit she rolled again, this pathfinding stuff was most amusing, who knew what would happen.

It was quite a bit later when Chihiro eventually surfaced from the system, her hands holding several bits of loot from her forays, and it had indeed taken far less time than her outward journey. Humming to herself, she beat her wings, the colors flaring as she warmed them up, for this part of her journey she'd fly, it wouldn't be as fun, but would gt her back to her riders side quicker...

[Gift] Journey
1 ・ 0
In Events and Story ・ By Returu

WC: 340
Terrain: Jungle

Chihiro starts her journey back from her current mission, taking a  shortcut to make it quicker... and in the process has some fun pathfinding, rolling her star pearl for decisions along the way.....

Permission recived via Discord DM, can screenshot if needed

Submitted By ReturuView Favorites
Submitted: 2 years agoLast Updated: 2 years ago

Zincwolf: Gift For
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[[Gift] Journey by Returu (Literature)](https://www.chronocompass.com/gallery/view/131)
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