A pillow, a fortress and a gargoyle... oh and a claymore
This was not how Meeth had expected their day to go, she'd anticipated something going wrong, given that Void was the dragon she was working with (and been followed by the small duck that dwelled in the fort as well) but getting attacked by a massive stone gargoyle... now that was unexpected as she watched the massive creature moving towards her, the massive claymore (and a pillow? dangling on its shoulder) held high, its hostility covering the area beneath the starlit skies. Meeth immediately tensed, years of training causing her to react as any soldier would, drawing the crafted sword at her side.
Void glanced up over at them, his tails wagging, a new friend.... before his attention returned the area around them, his numerous limbs tearing up the greenery as he grabbed fistfuls of wildflowers, he'd been instructed to 'gather; which as far as he was concerned was just picking all the green and colored stuff that grew everywhere, next to him the duck snuggled in.
Meeth took a step back, her gaze scanning the dimly lit fortress, it looked completely abandoned, vines growing up the walls with relish, showing that few recently had wandered this way, and those that had... her gaze fully returned to the gargoyle that strode toward her.... thankfully it seemed like Void was ... well.. tearing up the grass. She sensed more than saw the claymore come at her, and she rolled out of the way, the earth shuddering at the force of the blow, her focus returned fully to the guardian. Before she could fully move something white was thrown her way, the pillow,,, the force of which knocked her over... and gave the guardian ample time to collect its weapon.
The small duck jumped when the earth moved, quacking as it hid further into the dark dragon, its escaping mist obscuring he duckling. Void unhinged its jaws and gobbled a berry bush it had found..... clumps of greenery surrounded it ... some flowers, some berries, some slightly strange shaped and colored mushrooms...... his rider was okay .... Afterall... she was having fun playing with the big stone thing.
She reacted slower to the pillow than the weapon, her mind no longer even trying to work out why it had a pillow in the first place, glaring at the guardian, she threw the pillow back at it, and lunged forward, she already knew that she couldn't take it down, but she was trapped within the fortress so either she was able to disable it somehow, or to show that she meant no harm. The claymore swung and she ducked, using the crafted sword to deflect it, the sheer force breaking the blade which she'd anticipated. A moment later a second sword appeared and it struck the stone, unlike normal weapons this one did damage, but she grimaced at the rebound.
The guardian didn't react to the 'wound' instead it swung the sword once more, Meeth's cloak fanned out as she dodged the attack, wings flared as she darted away to put as much space between her and the gargoyle, her sword poised at the ready for another attack.
It was at that point that Void meandered over, waddling on his back legs as his front four limbs carried bunches of gathered stuff holding them out for Meeth to see, grinning eagerly at her as his numerous eyes blinked. Behind him the gargoyle approached. On Void's head the duck sat, looking up and blinking at the gargoyle. The stars glittered down on the scene, a massive gargoyle, holding a claymore and a pillow?, A odd dragon with a duck on its head, and a winged rider holding a glowing sword....
Meeth encounters a guardian gargoyle while on an expedition... Void is just gathering .... in his own way... and a lucky duck
WC: 61
Terrain: Dark
Submitted By Returu
Submitted: 10 months ago ・
Last Updated: 10 months ago