PA -Shear Rebellion - Guarding the instance mages...
The small group meandered through the dark forest, the cold northern air a weapon in and amongst itself for those not equipped for it. Above the rag tag group the dark form of a Raven flew, its watchful gaze as sharp now as during the day, having long since been exposed to the darker elements. Above that and hidden by the darkness flew a small batlike dragon, Eira's large ears flickering as he kept a look-out, so quietly did he fly that the group of instance mages were unaware of his presence. Occasionally one of the party would look behind at the dragon they were aware of, before flinching and doing their best to forget the rainbow eyes that glinted at them eagerly. The rest kept their eye on the worn path ahead and their guard and guide.
Meeth for her part kept her gaze forward, trusting Void to watch the parties back and Eira to keep a look out overall; Voidhad certainly come along way in his training since the start,... though, he still had a few quirks. Every now and again though she would scan the small party of instance mages, sent by the Shear Rebellion to create a new portal; during which time they would all be vulnerable to attack, either from natural predators ... or from the Abrendese Militia, which from her instructions, were only too keen to gain more of the portals.
The area she was guiding them to was not massively accessible, and combined with the cold northern air and constant blizzards, very few people wanted to travel this way. This meant that as long as the party coming through the portal was prepared, they would usually be safe, and as it technically fell under the areas her dragons patrolled, and it was an area Eira was exceptionally familiar, often playing with his brother if they were in the area. it would allow her to offer assistance if needed, though as the leader of the Shear Rebellion knew, Meeth wasn't inclined to be foo visible when she helped them.
Void slinked up next to her, with only the occasional nudge against the mages who mostly contained their shrieks, while the dark dragon didn't talk, she understood him (mostly) so that she knew it was all clear from that end. She stroked the dragon as she pointed out the area to be used, a clearing of sorts, open enough for large groups to come through if needed and for a few camps, but it was also not that visible from the air unless you knew where to look.
The instance mages made a small campfire and rested, though only for an hour or so, they'd need all their energy to create the portal and if that involved a short rest and some warm drinks then so be it, Meeth's raven happily joining in as if it too were invited. Meeth shook her head as they offered her some, instead, she ordered Void to scout the area beyond the clearing, and after checking in with Eira that the youngster was okay after the long flight, for him too to keep watch from above, she wanted nothing to catch her and the party unawares. Void, all but darkness himself (with a few visible bones and and the rainbow colored eyes) vanished into the darkness like an old friend. For her part, Meeth summoned her sword, having lost her crafted one against the gargoyle several days ago, having not yet had chance to replace them.
She tightened her wings, hidden beneath her clothes as she sensed the instance mages start to work, she couldn't say it was unpleasant but it didn't feel like it belonged, or not here now... and hadn't felt like the natural 'portal' she knew of. A small sound from the batlike dragon, and a growl? from Void was her warning that something approached. The mages were now fully encircled, and couldn't be moved, she'd been told beforehand that this point was where the ritual couldn't be interrupted, the backlash would be dangerous to the mages and the area around it.
Moving forward to intercept whatever to was that came their way, Void knew to either grapple (hug) or attack depending on how his rider responded... though he was a bit fond of the grappling. Meeth narrowed her eyes as a creature appeared, and she hesitated... it looked like it could be a elemental dragon..... but something felt off.... It glared at her, slamming its tail aggressively before charging. Eira darted down as the dragon charged, and not expecting an movement from the air it stumbled, just as Void lunged, 6 limbs spread as his form grappled the new friend, friendly growls filling the air and the dragon licked at the feral dragon, for that was what Meeth assumed it was. Stepping closer, Meeth placed her blade at the dragons neck the warning clear, its gaze flicking between her and the dragon elemental dragon wrapped around it, accepting its loss and the fact that Void was drooling all over it. Eira chortled from his perch, having landed on Meeth's shoulder and nuzzling her.
Finally the instance mages finished their magic, and the portal glimmered into life, no longer did it feel off the magics settling and merging with the land around it. Having dealt with the feral dragon, Meeth and Void helped the instance mages to the campfire and their beds, where they'd rest until morning. Most so tired that they didn't even flinch at the odd dragon that helped, and while a few blinked at the appearance of the second dragon that now snoozed next to the raven most most were to tired to really take note.... Come the morning, they'd return to her fort, before moving on to inform their leadership that the new portal was secure and stable...
Prompt #4 -The Chronoscape is the best way to get in and out of an area quickly. However, the best routes are usually guarded. Depict your character creating a secret portal with Instance Magic, or depict them guarding Instance mages as they do so.
WC: 974
Terrain: Dark
Submitted By Returu
Submitted: 10 months ago ・
Last Updated: 10 months ago