Speedy Kid Drama 3

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Shell hissed as his plan was unsuccessful, lashing and wriggling in an attempt to down his brother from his flapping wings. Dagon sputtered and coughed as he wriggled free of his brother's grip and jerked his head above the surface, gasping in great lungfuls of air. It looked as if they were going to get right back into it. Speedy grunted loudly as she finally managed to pull the tree straight out of the ground, roots and all. She then turned and moved towards her bickering sons and proceeded to harshly slam the tree down onto where they were with enough force to break through the water's surface and hit them.

Shell seemed to gurgle as the tree bonked him on the neck and caused a stream of bubbles to explode from his mouth as Speedy knocked the air from his lungs. Dagon let out a shocked screech, something unheard of from him, it was piercing and even Speedy seemed a teeny bit shocked at the noise that left her son as the tree hit his brother on the head and caught his wing at an odd angle. He seemed to struggle for a moment, scrambling onto land like a cat who had just been dropped in a pool. He took a deep breath and shook himself off, sending water droplets everywhere but not too far from himself. He turned to glare once again at his brother, everything else didn't matter. He took a few steps forward but found himself being dragged back by his tail and when he whipped around to look at who had dared to grab him he stopped quickly. It was his mother, again, fingers and claws digging into the end of his aquatic tail and he only then realized that, yes...that actually hurt.

Bran snickered a little bit again, not able to really help himself. He liked it when Speedy got to tell them to knock it off, he decided. Shell seemed pretty over it at this point, and instead just moved to swim away, going ahead of them aways and debating leaving all together, but was too stubborn to just... leave. A tree to the head and a clawed up back wasn't worth whatever stupid game Dagon wanted to play. Bran snorted at them, before he moved to slowly just continue his way up the beach too, completely unimpressed by the romping and aggression. He needed to focus.

Dagon sat very still while he waited for the smaller orange dragon to let his tail go and the second she did he darted a bit away from her to stretch out his wings and access any damage. He made a frustrated noise when his wing jolted in a bit of pain. He could still fly like this, not fast but high enough to avoid any further 'correction' from his mother. With that thought in mind, he slowly lifted himself into the sky, he'd stay in the sky, safely out of reach of any of them.

Rhu seemed to finally peer out of the bushes for a moment, before darting his way back over to Bran, nudging his head against his neck and trilling. Bran huffed, but did give in, reaching out to pet Rhu's own neck for him.

"Good boy..." he murmured, only moments later realizing he'd dropped a chip of wood into his hand. "Oh." Yellow eyes curious, he tilted his head, waiting for Bran to properly analyze it. When the vernid just smiled, Rhu did too.

"Yes, this stuff. If you can find anymore of this stuff, that'll be awesome"

Rhu just squeaked and darted back off into the trees to look, now he knew what they were looking for. Speedy watched Rhu run up to Bran, not quite following but she noticed the wood chip and ran up to him. Bran half flinched a moment as Speedy ran up to him, fully expecting her to try and take the wood, but when she didn't, he relaxed a bit when she didn't try to take it, just studied it, gave it a sniff and then she took off after her goofy son. She could carry far more than he could. Bran smiled, pleased, as he watched them run off together.

Rhu was currently scrabbling around in the loose dirt where he'd found the scrap in the first place, barely noticing Speedy following. Speedy watched her son dig in the dirt, tilting her head from side to side before heavily focusing on the dirt and ground around it. Her eyes glinted and immediately the ground where Rhu was digging began to lift and spread. Speedy moved closer and with a squawk she grabbed what appeared to be a log of the wood Bran had been looking for. Although to call it a log might have been misleading, it was smaller than a log but still held the basic shape of something akin to driftwood. It curled just like her tentacles, just like Bran had described.

The orange dragon nodded to herself before harshly flinging the dirt elsewhere. She was kind enough to make sure not to hit Rhu, precious Rhu. There was a squawk from the air, bullseye. Dagon’s shadow began to grow larger and larger and then Speedy threw some more sand, this time giving her flying son a look from the corner of her eye as the sand hit him straight in the face. Dagon growled but made no further attempt to lower himself to challenge his mother. One day he'd get the last laugh. Then with a WOOSH of air Dagon eye tailed it out of there, sand sticking to his wet body and face. She got back to Bran quickly and showed him the piece of wood.

Speedy Kid Drama 3
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In Adventures ・ By MilkRat, Zincwolf

Adventure Type: Salvage 
Terrain(s): Jungle/Ocean
Familiar Search Tools: Common Dolphin

Submitted By Zincwolf
Submitted: 5 months agoLast Updated: 4 months ago

MilkRat: Co Author
Zincwolf: Co Author
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