Reverie Jamboree 2024
Dracul was first of the dragons in the line, the light hybrid a stunning pale pink as he sat resting on his long batlike wings. His tail stationary due to the webbing between them and his hind legs, the furred scales making others want to touch him... though they may need to be careful of the reptilian snout and the huge ears which allow him to not be snuck up on and adorned with an earing. His red eyes gleamed as one took a closer look at his pale body, various hues of pink darker than the rest as the mist covered them... and the pale bird seemingly pinned to his chest as he looked out.
Next to Dracul... lounged Dracul, but unlike his pale companion of light, this Dracul blazed with the elemental powers of fire, and his body reflected it. His typical fire traits enhanced by the stunning light red feathered crest that made his red hide show up all the more. To add to this, stunning emblazoning covered his body, flame literally escaping flickering across the dragons body. Dark magma like spots covered the red on his body, this dark red was also present on the dragons spine, dorsal fins and spaded tail. Below his gleaming eye an array of stunning markings, a pharaohs' coloring.
Sihuehuet was next, and while maybe not as flash as Dracul, she was colorful in her own right, a testament to her jungle heritage. While her snout may not of been the most jungle like in appearance, it hardly mattered when her long antennae waved a welcome. Her ears twitched standing out against the red spiny crest that flared from her head. Her long amphibious fingers gripped the ground as she sat proudly, and while she didn't wings her diamond patterned tail gleamed. The white patch took nothing away from the orange and black markings that covered her from snout to tail... and if one looked closely at the dart frog, furred scales covered her body and limbs almost lost amidst the bright color.
Nora lounged next to his orange companion, the bright yellow thunder hybrid dragons body quadruped in shape, and could pass as such if not for the haziness near the tail. Darker yellow covered the dragons limbs, except at the all the points, where the yellow was lighter. His leather wings a yellow on the dorsal side, but on the ventral a pale green, another testament to his thunder heritage. Other than his brown snout, a result of the velvet scales that he had, bright patches of color appeared at various points, and at the tip of his tail, stunning yellow flowers. While his eyes were blue, his halo which sat atop his head like a crown was yellow as well.
From yellow to green, Scipio stood on her powerful back legs, the green colored talons tapping as her spiked tail swept the earth around her. Her two sets of forelimbs held close to her speckled body, right where the detonation mark was on her check. The white that covered her mane and back bright against the hues of green that covered her body, making them stand out all the more, and as she took a breath, her bright green throat flared as her yellow eyes gleamed. The scales at the top of her head hard and a deep earthy green; and beneath this dark green, crackles of lighter green, the same as the color of her throat.
Blue was next, well teal to be more exact a shade that often caused arguments was it blue or was it green? Sharkie didn't care about that, his ocean heritage meaning the color was his... and allowed him to blend in the ocean when he was on his adventures. For now though, he stood still. or as still as he could on his aquatic limbs his front limbs stretched to help keep his balance, black eyes blinking as he grinned. While his underbelly was white, alongside the stripe and swirl of his other markings, his neck frill and other finned areas were a much darker hue making the small dragon a striking creature.... and to finish it off, a yellow angler crest that loomed over his aquatic snout.
Andi was next, following from Sharkie, the indigo dragon a bright contrast to his small teal companion. His entire body a blue-indigo nebula with faint patches for lighter hues here and there, all except for his front limbs, which while curled up against his mane, were a much darker indigo color. Maybe he had little other markings, been a fairly simple patterned dragons, the indigo nebula had a striking aurora of green and pink, and above that, large spots... but these were no just markings, these appeared like ice floes with their depth. Two great shards spread from the dragons back, translucent and sharp, scythe-like wings reminiscent of the dangers icebergs represented... and yet ones that suited the bipedal dragon.
Purple was next, and Rowena delivered from her perch between storm and dark, while her ventral body and wings were white with black specks, her dorsal side was a deep purple that covered her feathered wings and along her face and back. Accented along this was a paler purple of markings on her wings arms as her beaked snout grinned, the ear tips gleaming from from the dark hues that covered them. Her segmented tail followed the same colors as the rest, white underside, dark purple overside, with deadly spikes flaring from the tail tip. Her back legs, banded purple stripes covered them a contrast from the white. finally a black and purple colored her neck her collared marking merging her colors on the spectrum.
Perhaps compared to the rest of the dragons Nyx had minimal markings, or more accurately her markings were hidden by her melanism marking that made the dark hybrid a perfect representative of the dark element, literally embodying the black color. The catlike dragon sat elegantly on her 6 limbs, the fingers fisted as her 6 bright blue eyes blinked, gleaming against her dark fur as her tail flicked from side to side, large ears pricked. If one looked closely on her back they'd spot one of her markings winning against the black mutation, possible only because of one of her other traits, the sheen surfacing on her lower back near the base of her tail.
The last dragon in the elemental rainbow did not yet a name, but that did not mean she didn't stand out, her gray scales finishing of the stunning rainbow of dragons. Maybe she wasn't the usual metal dragon others would see what with her quadruped body and the rest of her physical traits, but none could deny the grey sheen of the dragon, even with the much lighter grey covering her underbelly and throat. Event the brown and black pattern of her other markings did little to take was from her metal heritage, instead it made the metal hybrid all the more stunning. Her tail moved, revealing the colors continued the same as the rest of her, her spined grey crest flexing as she grinned.
A rainbow of elemental dragons
Light Dragon - - white/pastel - Dracul (Zaxerie) 1067
Fire Dragon - Red - Chronocompass - Character :: ED-944: Dracul (animefan4eternity)
Jungle Dragon - Orange - Chronocompass - Character :: ED-1290: Sihuehuet (Frights and Nights)
Thunder Dragon - Yellow - Nora (Milkrat) - 1246
Earth Dragon - Green - Scipio (Cosmonstars) - 021
Ocean Dragon -Blue - Sharkie (Kytazy) - 694
Storm Dragon - Indigo - Andi (Doom) - 1019
Wind Dragon - Violet - Rowena (Zincwolf) - 1077
Dark Dragon - Black / Dark -Nyx (TomboyKei) - 736
Metal Dragon - grey - Chronocompass - Character :: ED-1302: Noodle x Lady | Metal/Earth | 4 (Milkrat)
Submitted By Returu
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Submitted: 7 months ago ・
Last Updated: 7 months ago