[CA) Emerald dust

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Sorcha hummed to herself, slipping over the vast savannah towards the towering brown volcano of Juatasapi, following the ‘breadcrumbs’ that lured her. She knew someone was courting her and she was curious to see who… and the gem shards been used to lure her were a tasty snack.
Belthir spotted the white dragon coming closer, and he grinned. He’d been aware of her for quite some time, having seen her near the Cenote when he visited Kovaithe, and as always her sheer presence and the stunning white velvet scale took his breath away. So he’d lured her hear with shards of gemstones, all to show her the nest he was constructing for her.
Sorcha’s earth sense forewarned her of a dragon waiting, the stars flickering above her as her glittering trial slowly fizzled out. She sensed no hostility from him, rather the opposite, and his was an aura she was aware of. Tongue flicking she slowed her pace, slinking through the trees beneath the volcano towards him. Her antenna curled as she drew to a halt to stare at the young male, his multiple limbs in process of crafting a nest using gemstones of various hues to embellish it , their colors stunning in the night clad sky. She reared up onto her hind limbs and watched for a few moments aware he knew she was there by his feathered crest which was pricked. His dappled form slowly turned and he grinned at her holding out a rather large emerald.
Belthir was confident she would accept his gift and his courtship, and if she didn't… well he was stubborn. The large emerald one he'd found clustered away in the cavern he now called his den; rather than devour it like other gems he'd found, this… this he kept. He watched as the albino moved closer, tongue flicking as she gazed at the emerald; he flinched, ever so slightly for despite his recent growth, she was still larger and still far stronger, his instincts warring with each other, to press closer … or to move away from the more powerful dragon. Stubbornness won as her body brushed against his to get a clearer view of the large jewel, and he arched his neck, smug and proud at the same time.
Sorcha was amused and enchanted at the same time, she’d spotted his flinch as she pressed against him, but he’d held firm. The emerald and the nest called to her, but while she could possible show him up with what she could sense ran below the ground around Juatsapi she had another thought on how to court him. She took hold of the emerald, and he acquired, it was a shame what she was about to do … but….. wrapping her tail round his she grinned, antennae waving as she tossed the emerald high, she felt him start next to him and spoke. “Watch” thunder magic surging,  the sky above the volcano splitting as lighting surged amidst the glittering stars… and yet the sky remained crystal clear. It struck the emerald shattering it into smaller fragments, powered by Sorcha's magic additional lightning shattered the emerald further, again and until the dragons were covered a slightly scorched emerald dust, lighting continued to dance around them as she nuzzled him.
Belthir relaxed watching the spectacle, it was a shame about the emerald, but he'd gifted it to her and she seemed content with his courtship; churring deep in his throat in time with her purring as he pressed further against the other wyrm until they lay entwined beneath the starlit sky amidst the nest he'd constructed in the shadow of Juatasapi.
[CA) Emerald dust
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In Displays, Courtships, and Bondings ・ By Returu

Courtship art of Belthir and Sorcha (albino merc maybe?) in the shadow of Juatasapi.

Belthir creates a nest using gemstones, Sorcha summons lighting without the aid of a storm
Bahumt invites Phantom to stargaze with him, Phantom meanshile uses his ocean magic tocreate a stunning spectacle.

WC: 608
Terrain(s): Dark/Earth

Submitted By Returu
Submitted: 2 months agoLast Updated: 2 months ago

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[[CA) Emerald dust by Returu (Literature)](https://www.chronocompass.com/gallery/view/495)
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